Commonly Confused Words English Grammar Writing Words by Length Words by Length Two Letter Words Three Letter Words Four Letter Words Five Letter Words Six Letter Words Seven Letter Words Eight Letter Words Nine Letter Words Ten Letter Words Eleven Letter Words Twelve Letter Words Thirteen Letter Wor...
And again, it's that vowel sound that we really need to pay attention to. Even though we have the same vowel letter, the sound that you use to pronounce these words is different. Listen.同样的,我们真正需要注意的是元音。即使元音字母是相同的,这两个单词的发音却是不一样的。好好听。Let's...
They've all got two vowels together in the word, right? It does make them a little tricky to pronounce.除了它们都有点难发音之外,这些单词里面都有两个元音,是吧?这确实让它们更难发音了。And this is quite common in English, right? There are many words just like this that are spelt with...
It goes in front of words that start with the letter L, as in logical-illogical, legal-illegal.它位于以字母 L 开头的单词前面,如逻辑的-不合逻辑的,合法的-非法的。Word challenge.单词挑战。Which word would you use to express that something is impossible or almost impossible to read because ...
Silent letters and unusual letter combinations Words with unconventional spelling or silent letters can be challenging to pronounce or spell. Some examples are: Colonel Colonel Johnson was happy to follow in his father’s footsteps. The word “colonel” is one of the hard English words to pronou...
With some of the most common 5 letter words containing these two letters are Kings, Rings, Lines, Vines, Finds, Kites, and Kinds. However, this is not the only placement of the letters S and I in 5 letter words. The letters can also be found in other spaces of a selection of 5 ...
Or you'll also hear each letter being spoken individually. ASAP.或者你也会听到把每个字母单独说出来。尽快。Can you call me back ASAP? Both options are fine right.您能尽快给我回电吗?两种选择都是可以的。Have you heard this one or seen it written in an email before? It's also really ...
Twoer Twonk Twyer 5 Letter Words with W and Start with U Unmew Unnew Unown Unsew Unwed Unwet Unwig Unwit Unwon 5 Letter Words with W and Start with V Vawte Views Viewy Vowed Vowel Vower Vrouw Vrows 5 Letter Words with W and Start with W Waacs Wacke Wacko Wacks Wacky Wadas Wad...
With emails, you can start like a letter. For example: "Dear Lina,", "Dear Sir/Madam," or "Dear Mr Hill,".写邮件你可以像写信一样开头。例如:“亲爱的丽娜,”,“尊敬的先生/女士,”或者“尊敬的希尔先生,”。However, emails are generally much less formal than letters.Use a greeting ...
Another Alphabet of Weird Words English: The Word Thief The Word Tangle of Malapropisms 26 Wonderful and Weird Words (From A to Z)