In two Amendments to the Rabbinical Courts (Upholding a Divorce Decree) Law 5755-1995, the legislator extended the powers granted to the Rabbinical Court when dealing with a husband reluctant to give his wife a “Get” (divorce decree), thus preventing her from re-marrying. ...
Two fingers in love with painted smiley Young couple in love A happy couple standing together on a mountain Couple in love 爱上被绘的面带笑容的两个手指 在爱的年轻夫妇 一起站立在山的一对愉快的夫妇 在爱的夫妇 ParaCrawl Corpus Why choose certain colors, take a spatula, take this with ...
Oh, we have one... Two more. "Peace sign". Okay, when we're talking about peace in English, we often go: "Peace." So this is against war. In the 1960s, there were people called Hippies, they were always ...
TheLCDpanelontheSwitchbladeUIiscapableoftwomodes.Thefirstisavibrant,full- colordisplaythatdeliversinformationdisplayaswellaslettingyourunyourmedia playerorwebbrowserfromthescreenwithouttheneedtoexityourgame domination.Alternatively,useitasasecondarymouseinputdevicewithintuitive gesturecontrols.WiththeSwitchbladeUserInterfac...
To gesture “peace” you can make a Peace sign with two fingers up. Alternatively, you can just raise your hand. To gesture “quiet,” put your finger to your lips. When I say, Peace, you say Quiet. Peace and Quiet. 3. Add a little rhythm and vocal expression to get attention. ...
motivate others to ___2___ and define the nature of our relationships. Sometimes in poetry the juxtaposition of two words or a certain phrase can bring ___3___ to the eyes, call up a whole host of imagery and move us deeply. We have seen language recently used in the politics ...
gesture.Lukemadean obscenegesturewith his finger.gesture ofShe shook her head with a gesture of impatience.2[countable]something that you say or do, often something small, to show how you feel about someone or somethingThey decided it would be anice gestureto send her a card.Tearing up the...
basedcreole language. Most cultural and/or ethnic groups of this multiethnic country, however, have their own languages, including Hindi and Urdu, as well as 10 Amerindian languages, of which six belong to the Cariban language family, two belong to the Arawakan language family, and two are ...
old donor.Two days before Valentine’s Day in 2002,Alfred received a 19。year。old heart,marking the first time on record that twin adults each received heart transplants. “I'm 15 minutes older than him,but now I’m younger because of my heart and I'm not going to respect ...
thumbs-up as a gesture thumbs-up sign Two Thumbs Up a thumbs up in direction of the helicopter- English Only forum thumbs up- English Only forum give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed- English Only forum give two thumbs up- English Only forum the opposite...