TVSeries THiNK PODCAST 【Learn English With TV Series】看剧学英语|网飞制作的「星期三」美剧|respect to classics 23:52 【Learn English With TV Series】看怪物大学学英语「动词短语➕俚语➕发音」 16:41 【Learn English With TV Series】看剧学英语|金凯瑞1998电影「楚门的世界」|烂番茄95 19...
【Learn English With TV Series】看生活大爆炸学英语|Penny视角 21:57 【Learn English With TV Series】从WILL SMITH身上学到的四种冒犯到别人的英语短语 以及尴尬的英语表达zzz 20:42 【Learn English With TV Series】看美剧这就是我们|学英语日常对话|还没看这部剧的小伙伴强烈推荐去看|最后一季也已经出...
Three Methods: Trying New Things Thinking Positively to Overcome Fear Making Long-Term Changes There's not a lot of room for adventure and excitement in your comfort zone. … 钟朗 22 Fantastic Idioms about Love and their meanings---关于恋爱的22个绝妙用语及其含义 译国译民教...发表于翻译...
The series alternates between the stories of patients and those of the doctors. Slowly but surely, we learn about each person that works there and the relationship they have with each other. Each case involves a mix of th...
Watching TV series is one of the best ways to improve your English vocabulary and to learn how to speak English more fluently. There’s no better way to learn slang and how people really talk. Get ready to get in touch with “real” English—the English you hear on the streets or ...
Re: Best TV Series for learning English Post by Mr Greg » Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:52 am British Soaps are great to learn English slang and accents. I recommend Eastenders. Soaps have been running for decades, with a new episode every weekday. So storylines never stop! Owner of Mr. ...
【2024年合集】看电视剧学英语 Learn English With TV Series【2024年合集】看电视剧学英语 Learn English With TV Series 2024-10-31 12:13:10665 英语 语言 高级 听力 外语分类 能力等级 切换- 音频 00:00:00 / 00:00:00 高清 声音简介 年合集】看电视剧学英语 Learn English With TV Series ...
《Learn English with TV Series》 如果你喜欢看各种剧集来学习英语,那你一定不能够错过这个油管《Learn English With TV Series》频道,目前为止已经有346万的订阅者。这个频道不仅能提高英语听力和理解能力,还能让你轻松理解英语为母语的人使用的英语,不会迷路和漏掉笑点,不知不觉中提升了英语学习效率。在这个频道中...
今天我向大家推荐了一套备受欢迎英语教学资源《Learn English with TV Series》系列,这资源在油管上备受目。它包合了跟着迪土尼电影学英语的36课,跟着哈利波特学英语的11课以及跟着老友记学英语的70课,非常适合孩子们学习。无论您的孩子是小学生、初中生还是高中生,都能找到话合自己水平的课程。这些教学资源以流行...
400集+油管上超火的英语教学资源《Learn English with TV Series 》系列外教精讲 325.2万 1.6万 05:48:01 百万播放 App 【小猪佩奇学英语】精学版 # 第一季,基础词汇量 2000 73.3万 2896 10:02:27 App 小破站最强看电影美剧学英语合集……持续更新 233.1万 203 07:45 百万播放 App 现象级爆款《头脑特...