Home Dictionaries by language Dictionaries by subject Dictionary search Lexicool shop Translation onlineHome > Online dictionaries by language > English dictionaries > English-Hebrew dictionaries Share: 16. Morfix English-Hebrew Morphological Dictionary (EN<->HE) 17. Dictionary of the Targumim, the Ta...
Translation of "sign of the zodiac" into Chinese 黄道十二宫, 座, 星座 are the top translations of "sign of the zodiac" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: Each was known only by a sign of the zodiac. ↔ 他们 对 同伙 的 了解 仅限于 黄道 十二宫 的 暗号 ...
Translation of "zodiacal constellation" into Chinese 黃道帶 is the translation of "zodiacal constellation" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: The zodiacal constellations were made objects of false worship from early Mesopotamian times onward. ↔ 每个星座都被赋予若干特质,占星术士随时根据各天体...
paraphrase is still found in the Palestinian Targum); see also the statements on the erroneous translation of Ex. mb-soft.com 微博”是单词“micro-blog”(微型博客) 的 意译, 它 与Twitter的基本结构相同,却也拥有一些不同特性。 labbrand.com Weibo” is a semantic translation of“micro-blog” ...
1.See corresponding entry in UnabridgedSeetranslation. 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridgedsummarize; explain. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: paraphrase/ˈpærəˌfreɪz/n an expression of a statement or text in other words, esp in order to clarify ...
Light to the Nations Teachings & Stories of R. Nachman Devekut: Resources on Meditation "A Still Small Voice" Beged Ivri Translation ofSefunei Temunei Chol Amutat P'til Tekhelet Brochure Virtual Jerusalem Targum Press Bris Kodesh Non-Breslov Sites about Rabbi Nachman ...
iTorah has been designed for the Mac OSX screen & includes beautiful typography and crisp print. We've even included vowels and trop for the hebrew text so it's easier to read! ENGLISH TRANSLATION WITH INTERLINEAR & SYNCHRONIZATION ● A complete English translation of the Torah is fully ...
This is the first occurrence in this Epistle of a very interesting word (diathēkē) which hereafter will occupy an important place in the argument. Throughout the Greek translation of the Old Testament it is used to represent a Hebrew word which is (more than 200 times) rightly renderedcove...
of translation which might not otherwise be desirable.) It is plain that the chief thought is, “Let us run our race with patient endurance, looking unto Jesus the Author . . . of our faith;” so that here again we have the thought which the writer is never weary of enforcing, the ...
For example, we have seen but fragments of Cordovero's Elimah Rabbati (THE GREAT PALM) and Ohr Yakar (PRECIOUS LIGHT—a commentary on the Zohar) in English. A full translation of Pardes Rimmonim (ORCHARD OF POMEGRANATES), Cordovero's ranging popular compilation of kabbalah, is available.2...