More words that mean kettle in Chinese shuĭhú ( 水壶 ) More words that mean pot in Chinese bāo ( 煲 ), guō ( 锅 ), pén ( 盆 ) Report missing or erroneous translation of hu in English Contact us! We always appreciate good suggestions and helpful criticism.All...
English translation tiger Chinese characters: For obtainingstroke order animations, visit the links to the individual characters below. 老虎( laohu / lăohŭ ) is composed of these characters:老(lao) ,虎(hu) The traditional Chinese characters oflăohŭareidenticalwith the modern (simplified) ch...
Example Sentences: 中國十二生肖的順序是:鼠牛虎兔龍蛇馬羊猴雞狗豬。 中国十二生肖的顺序是:鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪。 zhong1 guo2 shi2 er4 sheng1 xiao4 de5 shun4 xu4 shi4:shu3 niu2 hu3 tu4 long2 she2 ma3 yang2 hou2 ji1 gou3 zhu1. The order of Chinese zodiac twelve animals is:...
报导援引未具名的行业消息人士称,腾讯<0700.HK>、 搜 狐 < S O HU .O>和百度<BIDU.O>旗下的奇艺本周将会宣布一项交易,旨在打造第二个作为版权内容单一买家的主要平台,比如像热门电影和电视节目等,交易最早可能在周三宣布。 The report cites an unnamed industry source saying that ...
CAT tools integration Let us know if you'd like to use Glosbe Translator in your CAT Tool. Optionally you can leave us your email so we can notify you when the plugin is available. CAT tool name(s) (Trados, memoQ .. ): Email: ...
Postcolonial translation theory holds that translation has a close connection with politics and rights,which is not only the accomplice of the colonists,but also the mighty weapon of the weak culture against the strong one. With effective translation strategies,translation can achieve decolonization to ...
ENDADanish1 translation oversættelse[act of translating between languages] Show more... ENBGBulgarian2 translations превод{m}(prévod) пре́вод(n)[act of translating between languages](n) Show more... ENHUHungarian1 translation ...
action program" (Ministry of Industry [...] 你是负责确保由您提供的所有信息是真实,准确,最新的日期和没有误导或可能误导或欺骗,这不是歧视, 淫秽, 攻 击性,诽谤性或其他非法,违法或违反任何适用的法律,法规,指引或实务守则或版权,商标或其他知识产权的任何人在任何司法管辖区。 zh-...
With the rapid development of Internet media, the hot words on the Internet have become a problem in translation and cross-cultural communication. A large ... X Wang,R Hu 被引量: 0发表: 2021年 On the English translation of the network new and hot words from the perspective of lexicology...