to gesture to personnel gathering [...] (A) 請勿在開口處放置任何物體,使用時所有開口處都不能有堵塞;保持開口 處清潔使之無灰塵、棉麻纖維、毛髮或任何有可能降低氣流流量的物體;(B) 請勿讓毛髮、衣袖褲腳、手指和其他身體部位靠近開口處轉動件;(C) 清潔樓 梯時應特別小心。
uses aspecificreleasegesture. 除了对传感器支持和位置支持的加强,基于诺基亚Asha 305 的模拟器也装备了多点触摸模拟器,以便实现捏放手势缩放,同时也支持PC 键盘输入。 ...
gesture teatralična/samozavestnagésta theatrical/confidentgesture opolzkagésta obscene[alivulgar]gesture 2. gesta(dejanje): gesta gesture človekoljubnagésta humanitariangesture Free PONS Apps Our free PONS Online Dictionary is also available for iOS and Android!
obscene[alivulgar]gesture 2. gesta(dejanje): gesta gesture človekoljubnagésta humanitariangesture Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors) Slovenian Ilokucijska in perlokucijska dejanja lahko izvedemo tudi neverbalno, z gestami, mimiko. ...
Translate hand gesture using machine translatorsRandom Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now!Get a Word Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation The world’s largest Spanish dictionary Conjugation Conjugations for every Spanish verb Vocabulary Learn vocabulary...
Translations forthreateningin the English»French Dictionary (Go toFrench»English) Show summary of all matches threatening[Britˈθrɛt(ə)nɪŋ,Amˈθrɛtnɪŋ]ADJ threateninggesture,expression,atmosphere menaçant threateningletter,phonecall ...
The most straightforward translation might seem to be "making a heart shape with hands" or "forming a heart with your hands." However, these options are rather literal and lack the expressive quality of the original gesture. They describe the action but not the feeling or ...
Let's talk about something that really stuck with me, something I'll probably remember for the rest of my life. It wasn't a grand adventure or a dramatic event, but it was deeply meaningful in its own quiet way. It all started with a simple act of kindness, a small...
I have an intuition that my third translation may be the closest to what Sappho intended, but it's just a hunch."Athanaeus quotes this to show that there is not necessarily any reproach in the word ἐταίραι. Like many others, the fragment is unfortunately too short for ...
delicate gesture gracieux/-ieuse delicate touch léger 2. delicate (easily damaged): delicate china fragile delicate fabric délicat 3. delicate (finely tuned): delicate mechanism délicat delicate balance précaire 4. delicate (not robust): delicate health, stomach fragile, délicat I fe...