When working on fake news detection in other languages, such as Spanish, one of the barriers is the low quantity of labeled datasets available in Spanish. Hence, we explore if it is convenient to translate an English dataset to Spanish using Statistical Machine Translation. We use the ...
SELD+ provides semantic links from English definitions and real-life sense-annotated examples to translations of each meaning in Oxford’s premier bilingual dictionaries, making this a unique resource to improve outputs from machine translation.
Especially over the last decades, the use of cinema in the English as a foreign language (EFL) class has been gaining momentum. Although this interest has resulted in a complex body of research, no review to date had aimed to systematically map out (i) t
Corpus-based approaches to machine translation (MT) rely on the availability of parallel corpora. To produce user-acceptable translation outputs, such systems need high quality data to be efficiently trained, optimized and evaluated. However, building high quality dataset is a relatively expensive task...
For the first time in my dataset, delegates were required to speak a third language, which was no longer considered "an asset". The ICRC prioritised Arabic, which was in high demand for the on-going operations in MENA, alongside Russian and Span- ish. However, the ideal profile of a ...
This study uses a multidimensional analysis (MDA) proposed by Douglas Biber to investigate the difference in communicative functions between the interpreted and non-interpreted political discourses, based on a comparable corpus of English interpretations
The ladder-approach is a stepwise generalization, in which each derived dataset is based on the other database of the next larger scale. en.wikipedia.org A door is however provided, along with a detraining ladder, at the end of each car in case emergency egress is required. ...
2014). It refers to a standardized combination of words (see Section 3.3.1). The examples above and throughout the paper are from our dataset. This paper, as part of a large-scale project addressing near-native performance, involves the analysis of MWSs in entire texts (e.g., Erman ...
Borrowed multi-word units and code-switches from Dutch to other languages were retained (see below). Finally, the pupils (and for minors, also their parents) consented to storage and analysis of their submitted chat utterances, after anonymization. More detailed information on the dataset is ...
(Cop et al.,2017a), no other corpora of the same size have appeared. From the perspective of bilingualism research, Dutch-English is the only language pair for which such a dataset is available. It is the current study’s aim to fill this void in the literature by presenting the first...