Why not a flower shop, with allthese flowers? ¿Por qué no una florería con todasestas flores? I want to get allthese flowersin the car. Quiero poner todasestas floresen el auto. You're probably wondering what I'm doing withthese flowers. ...
A nouns is a naming word; such as man, waiter, hotel, house, girl, flower. The important thing to remember about Spanish nouns is that they are either masculine or feminine (male or female). In other words, each Spanish noun falls into one of these two 'gender' categories. MASCULINE N...
flowerin English: 1. What's that flower? I ran. I devoted my entire life to running to a flower that had already wilted when I reached it. In all of the gardens in my city it is illegal to trample the flower beds. There is an old saying there: “No flower fairs, no Spring Fest...
ENGLISH French ANGLAIS Français BUD le bouton CARNATION l'oeillet DAISY la marguerite, la paquerette DAFFODIL la jonquille FLOWER la fleur FOLIAGE le feuillage FORGET-ME-NOTS myosotis GARDEN le jardin GARDENER le jardinier IRIS l'iris LEAF ...
cut grass away from flowerbed Cutting grass cypress grass different kinds of grass plants Does the grass rustle? donation form, non-profit organization, grass roots more... Visit the Spanish-English Forum. Help WordReference:Ask in the forums yourself. ...
(as inbig, bigger, biggest), and verbs are inflected. English is the only European language to employ uninflected adjectives; e.g.,the tall man, the tall woman, compared to Spanishel hombre altoandla mujer alta. As for verbs, if the Modern English wordrideis compared with the ...
Spanish / Español Select a language: puritan [ˈpjʊərɪtən] A.ADJ→puritano B.N→puritano/am/f Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000,...
Translate hibiscus flower using machine translatorsRandom Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now!Get a Word Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation The world’s largest Spanish dictionary Conjugation Conjugations for every Spanish verb Vocabulary Learn vocabular...
Click on the box to see the word in a sentence. flowers The garden has many beautiful flowers. rose A rose is a popular flower. lily A lily is a fragrant flower. daisy A daisy is a simple, cheerful flower. tulip A tulip is a spring flower. sunflower A sunflower is a tall, yell...
1509 - Henry marries Catherine of Aragon, daughter of the Spanish King and Queen, and widow of his elder brother, Arthur1511 - Henry joins the Holy League against the French. All men under the age of 40 are required to practise archery.1513 - The English defeat the Scots at the Battle ...