This reference work is not really suitable for someone who isn't learning Sanskrit as a language and instead is looking for a work that translates Sanskrit words found during reading our spiritual books. For that use, we suggest Brief Dictionary of Hinduism. If you really want an extensive boo...
A Sanskrit-English dictionary, etymologically and philologically arranged, with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages. new ed., greatly enl. and improved, with the collaboration of E. Leumann, C. Cappeller and other scholars. Compiled By Monier-Williams, Monier. Oxford Clarendon ...
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: svam svam svam—in their own entrusted matters SB 1.4.23, SB 1.4.23 svam svam—each to his own SB 3.24.25, SB 3.24.25 svam svam—their respective SB 4.2.35, SB 4.2.35 svam svam—to their own SB 8.6.27, SB 8.6.27 ...
Meaning of the Sanskrit Word: dasa dasa—ten SB 2.5.30, SB 2.5.31, SB 3.3.9, SB 3.12.21, SB 3.26.13, SB 4.7.19, SB 4.12.19, SB 4.24.13, SB 5.1.24, SB 5.24.31 (and more...) dasa—ten. SB 3.21.6, SB 8.13.24, SB 9.2.2, Antya 4.26, Antya 14.53...
sanskrit + Add translation English-Chinese dictionary 梵 They've got this design of dolphins and our names engraved in Sanskrit. 那 上面 有 海豚 的 設計 , 有 梵 語刻 的 名字 。 GlTrav3 梵語 noun They've got this design of dolphins and our names engraved in Sanskrit. 那 ...
Woxikon/Dictionary/English Chinese/ 梵语 ENZHEnglish Chinese translations for梵语 Search term梵语has one result Jump toChinese » English ZHChineseENEnglish 梵语(Fànyǔ)Sanskrit
Sanskrit 'sænskrɪt Main English Definition (名) As a noun An ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism); an official language of India although it is now used only for religious purposes. Hyphenation San•skrit Part of Speech (名) noun Matching Results...
Sam derives from PIE sem-/som- "(together) with, as one", source also of English same, Greek homos "same", Russian sam- "self" Krta- was the Sanskrit version of PIE kwer- "to make, form", the past participle stem of karoti "makes", which also went into the making of karma. ...