* Dogri To English Translator And English To Dogri Translation is a must have app for any traveler around the world. you will have access to the best languages packs and voice recognition in the world within your device that you can carry anywhere you go. this language app is designed for...
English to Chichewa Translator English to Chinese Translator English to Corsican Translator English to Croatian Translator English to Czech Translator English to Danish Translator English to Dhivehi Translator English to Dogri Translator English to Dutch Translator ...
Cultural Issues in the English Translation of Dogri Play Bawa JittoSharma, VandanaSood, ShachiIUP Journal of English Studies
Discover your linguistic prowess with our Dogri-English and English-Dogri Dictionary! Instantly Accessible: Why wait? Get immediate translations by simply tapping on the word you're curious about. Comprehensive Vocabulary: Dive into our abundant database boasting over 100,000 words. Amplify your und...
在上下文翻译 Guyanese Creole English - Dogri (macrolanguage),翻译句子 Glosbe 词典是独一无二的。在 Glosbe 中,您不仅可以检查 Guyanese Creole English 或 Dogri (macrolanguage) 翻译。我们还提供了显示数十个翻译句子的用法示例。您不仅可以看到您正在搜索的短语的翻译,还可以看到它是如何根据上下文进行翻译...
Word list: (Please use the search function of your browser (CTRL-F) or switch to full text search) Pinyin (simple) Pinyin (with tone marks) Chinese characters English main meaning ...zhiyi ...zhīyī 之一 one of... A ↑ go to top ↑ a a 啊 modal particle a ā 阿 initial ...
Look up the Slovenian to English translation of PRIPETI in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.
5. vecchio (esperto): essere vecchio del mestiere to be an old hand or to know the ropes un vecchio lupo di mare an old sea dog 6. vecchio (stantio): vecchio pane stale notizie -chie fig stale news II.vecchio (vecchia) <pl vecchi, vecchie> [ˈvɛkkjo, ki, kje] N m...
English To Pashto Translation Pashto Translation Translate Englishwords, sentences and phrasesinto Pashtofor FREE. FREE Punjabi Typing Type in Punjabi Online Type in English, Get In Punjabi. E.g. TypingTuhada naan ki hai?becomesਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਨਾਂ ਕਿ ਹੈ?. ...
The wary dog stood a few feet away, only approaching to take the food when she judged Harry to be at a safe distance from it. El receloso perro se mantenía a unos pocos pies de distancia, solo acercándose a la comida cuando le parecía que Harry permanecía a una distancia segura ...