translate.py中一共有三个翻译接口,可以自行选择。其中trans是使用的有道翻译接口;trans2使用的是Google的googletrans中的Translator,但使用久了或者频繁了IP会被封;trans3是用browserdrive的方式打开浏览器自动使用Google翻译,但速度较慢,效率太低。 这种翻译出来的PDF其实效果不太理想,既能作为参考,最好的办法还是看原...
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STANDARD by International Organization for Standardization, 03/01/2024. LANGUAGES: English+中文版翻译 ISO/TS 20490:2024.pdf STANDARD by International Organization for Standardization (Technical Standard), 03/01/2024. LANGUAGES: English+中文版翻译 ISO 14953:2024.pdf STANDARD by International Organization ...
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History of English Here you can find a series of commentaries on the History of English, charting the history of the English language from Old English to the present day.
Status: Active, Most Current Document Language: English(英文原版PDF)+Chinese(ISO翻译中文版) Published By: International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Page Count: 198 Abstract: ISO 21127, 3rd Edition, October 2023 - Information and documentation — A reference ontology for the interchange of...