Basic Chinese (Traditional) Words and Phrases Hello– 你好 Good morning– 早安 Good evening– 晚安 I'm fine– 我很好 Thank you– 謝謝 Sorry– 對不起 I understand– 我明白 I don’t understand– 我不明白 Yes– 是的 No– 不 Can you help me?– 你能幫助我嗎?
Yes, this English to Traditional Chinese text translation is absolutely FREE. You can use our translation tool for both personal and commercial purposes. However, we have the following restrictions: Per Request Limit: You can translate up to a maximum of 500 words per request. However, there ...
"At present, most of the limited number of new words with Chinese origins that have been regarded as entering the English language are those that cannot find proper words in English to express the original meanings in Chinese," he said. But Wei Chongxin, who is also a senior professional in...
The best English to Chinese Translator app and Chinese to English interpretation application for frequent global travelers, students and learners.
Chinese example words containing the character 好 ( hao / hăo ) 爱好 ( àihào = hobby ), 不好意思 ( bùhăoyìsi = to feel embarrassed ), 好吃 ( hăochī = delicious ), 好处 ( hăochù = benefit ), 好看 ( hăokàn = good-looking ), 好了 ( hăole = It's alright!
At first, thank you very much for releasing such good tools for Seq2Seq problems. Those days, I used tensor2tensor to translate Chinese to English. And I got two problems. I hope you can give some suggestions or advice. First, when I enlarge the vocabulary size to 300000, which is or...
as inChineseandVietnamese. The German and Chinese words for the nounmanareexemplary. German has five forms:Mann, Mannes, Manne, Männer, Männern. Chinese has one form:ren. English stands in between, with four forms:man, man’s, men, men’s. In English, onlynouns,pronouns(as inhe,...
AlthoughmanyChinesestudentssaythattheirknowledgeofEnglishgrammarisgood,mostwouldadmitthattheirspokenEnglishispoor.WheneverIspeaktoChinesestudentstheyalwayssay,"MyspokenEnglishispoor."However,theirspokenEnglishdoesnothavetoremain"poor".IwouldliketosuggestthattheremaybesomereasonsfortheirproblemswithspokenEnglish.First,...|基于2个网页 2. 英文翻中文 (A) 征求:中文翻英文(Chinese into English) 或英文翻中文(English into Chinese)理工背景专职或兼译 者。我们需要有工程背景( …|基于2个网页
changed \"Pillow\" to \"pillow\" in words.txt and Jun 1, 2019 words_alpha.txt add cyber to words(_alpha).txt Jan 5, 2025 Removed zoogrpahy and remade archives Mar 14, 2019 words_dictionary.json feat: Remove invalid word 'unneccesary' ...