TestYourEnglish(2024.09)练习测试题附答案 本测试旨在了解你的英语水平而有效开展教学,不计入任何成绩考核,请认真作答,谢谢! Sectionone Instructions:Pleasecompletethesentencesbyselectingthebestanswerfromtheavailableanswersbelow(1’×25).??? 1.Heisverywellknown___?theworld.[单选题]* A.allin...
托福词汇-9 TestEnter the letter for the matching Answer 1. strange 2. segment 3. hypothesize 4. sieve 5. hierarchy 6. magma 7. address 8. evergreen 9. inclusion 10. criterion 11. botanical 12. repress 13. gallium 14. plow 15. sector 16. nut 17. shrine 18. expectation 19. disaster...
托福词汇-20 TestEnter the letter for the matching Answer 1. spew 2. infection 3. squarely 4. child-oriented 5. gradient 6. October 7. undeveloped 8. self-image 9. actor 10. upland 11. sharper 12. dike 13. July 14. onward 15. flexibly 16. nutritive 17. sleeper 18. bellow 19. ...
But that's not all.We have prepared 100+ English test questions with correct answers Excel file.You can download question bulk and use it for building questions withWordPress Quiz Makerplugin. The questions are intended for importing them only into the Quiz Maker WordPress plugin. Download Questio...
This app will help you to improve your speaking skills quickly and efficiently. This app is also recommended for people who are preparing for TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS speaking test. ■ Questions and answers - Over 2000 questions in various topics such as: personal questions, opinion, preference...
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Cambridge preliminary English test for schools with answers : examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL examinations (Cambridge books for Cambr... Cambridge University Press - Cambridge preliminary English test for schools with answers : examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL examin...
Is it day or watched Be time took, see attempted, took dee person encouraged or e place sat so again work through each one and then eliminate any incorrect answers. So each day Mike watched the test. He failed. That doesn't work. Each time might took the test, he felt so I believe...
Also, the test includes vocabulary, verbs, reading, writing activities. So, if you're studying in class 5th, check out the quiz below and see how good your English grammar is. Best of luck, then!Questions and Answers 1. Fill the blanks, use the words of the box. Give answer in ...
托福词汇-31 TestEnter the letter for the matching Answer 1. haste 2. soul 3. ax 4. tinplate 5. woodcutting 6. snipe 7. newberry 8. roadway 9. wonderfully 10. biter 11. knit 12. uncounted 13. helicopter 14. equitable 15. Indonesia 16. spank 17. succinctly 18. resettle 19. rook ...