Sorted – The English tenses and aspects you should learn A sincere review of Duolingo Humanising language teaching and “being there” for students How to stop making the same grammar mistakes in English Teaching the present simple and present continuous tenses – the hassle of it all ...
English makes extensive use of auxiliary (helping) verbs to form different tenses, voices, and moods. (Examples: be, have, do) Irregular Verbs Many common verbs in English are irregular, meaning they do not follow standard rules for conjugation. (Examples: go-went-gone, eat-ate-eaten) Silen...
what to say when meeting and greeting people, and how to express feelings. Self-paced and available any time, the class also includes the language used when traveling, ordering at a restaurant, and during United King
► Interactive verb quizTest your tenses: present tense. 1. Thepresent simple Present Simple 1.1. The present simple affirmative S ES Sample verbs1st sing.2nd sing.3rd sing.1st plural2nd plural3rd plural BringI bringyou bringhe, she, it bringswe bringyou bringthey bring ...
Conjunctions, Determiners, Gerunds and Infinitives Tests, Inversions, Modal Verbs, Noun Clauses, Passive Voice, Quantifiers, Relative Clauses, Tenses, Wish Clauses. Practising little and often is the best way to improve your grammar, so come back regularly to choose another grammar point to work...
Interactive - Present tenses test: A multiple-choice test with answers Choose the correct form to complete the following passage in good English. *** This week I 1a) work / 1b) am working / 1c) do work here in London, but usually I 2a) work / 2b) am working / 2c) do work...
Welcome to our English grammar exercises section. The exercises come in three levels: beginner (A1-A2), intermediate (B1-B2), and advanced (C1-C2). The topics covered include verb tenses, phrasal verbs, articles, prepositions, noun clauses, and much more....
Designed for learners at all stages, this comprehensive app offers in-depth coverage of key grammar components including verb tenses, passive voice, prepositions, articles, reported speech, relative clauses, modal verbs, verb patterns, adjectives, and linking words. ...
AI-powered grammar tool to check your spelling, syntax, verb tenses, and other technical details Robust privacy settings to filter out who can connect with you Cons No standard curriculum Users control content and interactions, which means they could be wrong 14. ELSA (English Language Speech Ass...
more: Tenses and Active and Passive Voices PRACTICE SECTIONS ALSO INCLUDED. YOU CAN TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND ANALYSE THE RESULTS. A better user interface with different sections for Practice and Study. If You like our app please hit a like here 更多 新...