我校组织开展“Enjoy English Enjoy Story”故事演讲比赛。 01 一二年级Grade 1&2 寓言故事Fable Stories 一二年级同学表现积极,落落大方,他们用生动形象的语言、流利的英语和丰富的肢体动作,将寓言故事的人物形象展现得淋漓尽致,将寓言故事演...
It’s time to play ball, Biscuit. Time for all of us! Woof! 3 C6G1 应可心 Hello everyone, my name is Kelly, I'm from Class6 Grade1, Tongzhou Model school. My hobbies are painting and reading which make me happy. I also like sports like...
reading level (noun): grade that defines one's reading ability (levels may be shown, for example, as: beginner to advanced; low to high; numerically 1 to 5) scan (verb): to read a text quickly looking for specific details skill (noun): ability to do something well (the four main sk...
Reading for Jason although he may gets no time to listen now. Interesting stories which are suitable for children of grade one in middle school and above. 小故事进度说明: 1. The time capsule时间胶囊 2. The clever woman聪明女人始于第56集 ...
18920240730 The Story of Jeans 19020240727 Finding Treasure in Trash 191Sharks:Facts or Fibs? 19220240720 The Ride of the Future? 19320240719 One Strong Bird 19420240717 Give an X-Ray! 19520240716 Leaders Help the World’s Poor 19620240715 A Home for the Olympics 19720240714 A Real Cold Fish 1982...
For learners, this "English Quiz Grade 6" offers a great way to practice grammar skills in a fun and engaging way. It’s designed to challenge young learners and help them improve their English language proficiency. If you're preparing for exams or simply reviewing Read more English...
3 Spell the sight word Reading strategies P.Sequence 1 Order events in a story Q.Inference and analysis 1 Use actions and dialogue to understand characters R.Theme 1 Determine the themes of myths, fables and folktales S.Topic and purpose ...
2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find out more about this news story. Share what you discover with your partner(s) in the next lesson. 3. MARATHONS: Make a poster about marathons. Show your work to your classmates in the next lesson. Did you all have similar things? 4. RUNNING: ...
This is a fun picture quiz for kids to test and improve their basic English knowledge. Also, it would enhance your children's understanding of English vocabulary and reading. Here, the kids have to give answers based on the pictures provided in the question. Do you think your kid can do ...
America's bald eagles - a story of success . With audio and additional IELTS-style reading test. How the emblematic bird of the USA was saved from extinction. California's Water Wars - Larry Wood reports on a critical issue facing Californians. Deserts of America - with audio - A large ...