E02 开口说英语 | 英语儿童动画儿歌 | English Songs For Kids | English study For Kids +追 超清画质 评论 收藏 下载 分享 选集 21:12 五月歌唱节|春天花会开一起向未来|阳光306合唱团|光谷六小 2022-06-02 06:00 2020年渡江节宣传片|人物版|横渡长江|重启百日|武汉归来 2021-06-22 06:03 阳光206...
Anda外语创作的音乐有声书作品English Songs for Kids,目前已更新47个声音,收听最新音频章节37 on the beach today。英语启蒙歌曲、歌谣、律动,朗朗上口
Number song 1-20 for children _ Counting numbers _ The Singing Walrus - YouTube 57 0 02:22 App ABC Song _ Learn ABC Alphabet for Children _ Education ABC Nursery Rhymes - YouT 13 0 00:05 App Sing with Mocas! The Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & songs for kids + more nursery 17 0...
加州美语FM创作的外语有声书作品English songs for kids,目前已更新0个声音,收听最新音频章节null。
Phonics Word song E - English Songs - Educational video for Kids是1000集EnglishSingsing全套资源共13个系列,涉及英语启蒙动画片儿歌自然拼读日常词汇对话等,快点带孩子刷起来!的第5集视频,该合集共计7集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
英语儿歌English Songs for Kids 1英语儿歌English Songs for Kids Apple tree苹果树 Apple round, apple red, Apple juicy, apple sweet, Apple apple, I love you, Apple sweet, I love to eat. 苹果红,苹果圆。 苹果多汁,苹果甜。 苹果苹果,我爱你。 苹果香甜,我爱吃。 Balloons Balloons can fly. I...
1 英语儿歌 English Songs for Kids 2 Children are our future. When I came into the world, she held me in her arms. I thanked her by weeping or sleeping. 我来到人世, 她把我抱在怀里。 我报答她的不是哭就是睡…… It is my mother who is wonderful. She gave me life and brought me ...
英语儿歌EnglishSongsforKids2 Childrenareourfuture. WhenIcameintotheworld,sheheldmeinherarms. Ithankedh...
英语儿歌English Songs for Kids 2 Children are our future. When I came into the world, she held me in her arms. I thanked her by weeping or sleeping. 我来到人世,她把我抱在怀里。我报答她的不是哭就是睡…… It is my mother who is wonderful. She gave me life and brought me up very...
1、english songs for kids english songs for kids good morning, teacher. good morning, good morning, teacher. i take my bag and book to school. good morning. good morning, my little dog. bow wow wow. bow wow wow. good morning, my little cat. mew mew mew mew mew. mew. good morning...