All these examples show how bend over backwards is used to describe making an extra effort to assist someone or achieve something.所有这些例子都表明“bend over backwards”用来描述为了帮助某人或实现某事而做出额外努力。Here's another interesting one, to lose your marbles.这里还有一个有趣的短语“to ...
English Slangs( 英语俚语)EnglishSlang blowhotandcold:1.Meaning:Tobehaveinconsistently;tovacillateortowaver,asbetweenextremesofopinionoremotion.反复无常;犹豫不决;摇摆不定 2.Etymology:BlowhotandcoldcomesfromAesop'sfableinwhichasatyrdeclareshecannottrustamanwhoblowshot(towarmhishands)andcold(tocoolhisfood)...
how are you ; beat ones brain out 焦头烂额 gotta - got to; betta - better have to; gonna - going to; hot chick 辣妹 whadya - what do you; got a big kick out of it 令人开心; gimme - give me contents brief intro what will we go through significance variations examples Slang ?
sup-what'suphowru-howareyou;beatone'sbrainout焦头烂额 gotta-gotto;betta-betterhaveto;gonna-goingto;hotchick辣妹 whadya-whatdoyou;gotabigkickoutofit令人开心;gimme-giveme briefintrobriefintro whatwillwegothrough significancesignificance variationsvariations examplesexamples Slang?What? *俚语是粗俗或通行...
examples 01 Slang?What?*俚语是粗俗或通行面较窄的方言词。*英语俚语是英语中常用语言,也是非正式语言。*俚语比喻一般比较夸张,所以很适合用来表达自己的心情和想法,也可以让你的语言变得更生动流利。eg:greenhandPlayhookysmellaratApple-polishingsoftsoap 新手逃学觉得可疑拍马屁奉承话 此类俚语既新奇又生动形象,...
类属Thesaurus 例句Examples 筆順Strokes 字Character 字源Etymology Settingsslang slæŋ Main Part of Speech (名) noun, (动) verb Sample Sentences Slang is language that takes off its coat, spits on its hands, and goes to work.俚语,是脱下上衣、吐一口唾沫在掌上、跟着就着手工作的语言。 I ...
Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Today Emoji IRLHow Are You Using the Face in Clouds Emoji 😶🌫️? Why is this little smiley ...
"All of us, young and old, Black and white, urban and suburban have slang, and, with your eyes closed, we can tell Black guys chillaxin' with their buddies from young soccer moms dishing out about the latest issue ofJane*. We share more slang than separates us, but what separates us...
如何使用正式和非正式英语 Formal and Informal English Greetings! My name is Gina Mares, and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to this Oxford Online English video lesson.大家好!我叫吉娜·马雷斯。我想借此机会欢迎大家来到牛津在线英语视频课程。Hello! My name's Gina.大家好!我叫...
Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Pettifogging: Word of the Day 251 This is a modal window. ...