Our translation service uses either Google or Microsoft to translate the text you type in English. Whenever you type a word, sentence, or phrase in English, we send API requests to either Google or Microsoft for the translation. In return, they send back a response with the translated text ...
For E.g the translation of "I love Telugu language" would be "నేను తెలుగు భాషని ప్రేమిస్తున్నాను" in Telugu. You can use various online tool for translating word, sentence and phrase from English to ...
target language: TeluguS-singularP-pluralMmasculineF-feminineDiscourses are linguistic structures above sentence level. Discourse is nothing but a coherent sequence of sentences. Discourse analysis is concerned with coherent processing of text segments larger than the sentence and this requires something ...
The software works upon the rules of grammar and produces result according to that, so to get accurate result you have to input accurate sentence in terms of grammar. 1.English to Telugu Translation 2.Telugu to English Translation 3.Telugu to Hindi Translation 4.Telugu to Marathi Translation 5...
The proposed method has four steps: first, Analyze and tokenize an English sentence into a string of grammatical nodes second, Map the input pattern with a table of English-Kannada/Telugu sentence patterns, third, Look-up the bilingual-dictionary for the equivalent Kannada/Telugu words, reorder ...
Barbed wire was sometimes only cut partially, with the remaining strands broken by hand to muffle the tell-tale snip of wire-cutters. en.wikipedia.org The tell-tale white streaks in her hair show that they have been married for a while. ...
You can use various online tool for translating word, sentence and phrase from English to Gujarati for FREE. Some of the popular translation tool are Google Translator, Bing Translator or use our own Gujarati Translation for FREE. On the other hand, transliteration software works on phonetics. A...
# This Telugu English into Telugu sentences as Telugu Translate to English Translate to Telugu Sentence Translate to English. # It is Telugu to English Sentence Translation Offline Application As Sentence Translation English to Telugu. # Pronounce speech to listen words ...
ලියනයකට මම කැමතියි"in Sinhala. You can use various online tool for translating word, sentence and phrase from English to Sinhala for FREE. Some of the popular translation tool areGoogle Translator,Bing Translatoror use our ownSinhala Translationfor ...
Tamil Sentence- தமிழ் எனது தாய்மொழி. English Translation - Tamil is my mother tongue. Explore Tamil to English Translation is the process of translating words from one language into another. In other words Tamil to English translation is the process...