Nursery Rhymes : The list is clearly not exhaustive but it is believed that a good cross section of famous poems for children have been included.
Affirmation : by Savage Garden I believe the sun should never set upon an argument. I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands. I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you. I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do. I believe th...
If you’re looking for new and interesting ways to get your little ones to bed, we’ve got you covered! Sing your kids to sleep with popular English lullabies such as “Good Night, Sleep Tight.” These are Nursery rhymes that children can easily learn to recite. Here are some other bed...
This song titled “Row, Row, Row your boat” is accompanied by actions by kids. Kids do actions of rowing a boat in the directions of backward and forward to sing the lyrics. The boat teaches young children coordination and communication skills. This is one of the all-time favourite nurser...
tree was in the wood,And the green leaves grew around, around, around.And the green leaves grew around.And in this egg there was a yolk,The finest yolk you ever did see,The yolk was in the egg,The egg was in the nest,The nest was on the branch,The branch was on the limb,The ...
English for Students Confused Words What is NEW? Nursery Rhymes Beauties of English More An Elephant Nursery Rhymes IndexElephant is the biggest land animal.It lives in the forest.It has two tusks and a trunk.It is black in colour.It is an herbivore....
Simple Simon Nursery Rhymes Index Simple Simon met a pieman, Going to the fair. Says Simple Simon to the pieman, Let me taste your ware. Says the pieman to Simple Simon Show me first your penny. Says Simple Simon to the pieman,
Leave your supper and leave your sleep. Come to your play fellows in the street. Up the ladder and down the wall. A half penny loaf will serve you all. Nursery Rhymes Index From Girls and Boys to HOME PAGE Share this page: What’s this? Facebook Twitter Enjoy this page? Please...
Nursery Rhymes Index Here is the Counting Rhyme. 1, 2, 3 Here’s little me. Counting on my fingers, Hee, hee, hee. 4, 5, 6, This one sticks. Getting in a muddle now, Geeting in a Fix. 7, 8, 9, There, that’s fine, No need to worry now, No need to whine. Here comes...
So many times, it happens too fast You change your passion for glory Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive It's the eye of tiger, it's the cream of the fight Risin' up to the challenge of our rival ...