◆2-6-3:初级水平:能够进行基本的沟通,但不具备中级水平的能力(elementary students:being able to communicate in a basic way,not achieved intermediate competence); ◆2-6-4:中级水平:具备听、说、读、写的基本能力(intermediate students:a basic competence in speaking and writing and an ability to compr...
but loose,and has to arrange them in the same way by talking to his partner without looking at the partner’s picture/plan. This is called‘describe and arrange’(elementary/intermediate)
RES428.2ENGENGLISH grammar in use a self study reference and practice book for intermediate students Raymond Murphy. . New york Combridge University Press, 1985. viii, 328 hlm. ilus. 25 cm . seri . Indeks ISBN 0 521 28723 5 with answers 0 521 33683 x without answers nbsp1. BAHASA INGGRI...
Mondly also uses speech recognition technology to give automatic feedback on students’ spoken English. The app plays audio clips of native speakers asking questions, and users are given a list of possible responses to speak into the microphone. For premium users, immersive AR/VR features add to...
Some of the questions had four choices that have the same meaning. Method, way, manner, and system would be four words with the same meaning. Finally the subjects took a language proficiency test. Henning found that students with a lower proficiency in English made more of their mistakes on...
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: There are two kinds of memory: shot-term and long-term. Information in long-term memory can be remembered at a later time when it is needed. The information may be kept for days or weeks. However, information over and over. The ...
for setting study goals and approaching these texts. From asking for help, understanding essay questions to planning essay paragraphs and listening for gist and detail, students have a wealth of opportunities to practice all core academic skills. The course develops independent learning skills and ...
The examination board repeatedly selects same questions every year making students to do selective study. On the basis of findings, it is concluded that the examination boards are not measuring the first three skills involved in any language learning i.e. listening, speaking and reading, moreover...
A three-level (B1+ to C1) integrated skills course for higher education students at university or on foundation courses.#English #Academic_English #Intermediate_EnglishIf the file is damaged or removed from VK, it can be downloaded using the following link:...
Theywon'tmoveyoufromanintermediateleveltoanadvancedlevel.不会让你从中级水平提升到高级水平。Doingthesameoldthingwillkeepyouinthesameoldplace.做同样的事情会让你止步不前。Sothewaytogetoutofarutistotrysomethingnewandchallengeyourself.因此,摆脱陈规的方法是尝试新事物并挑战自己。Mystudentsalwayshearmesay, ...