is to produce students with top quality English communication skills in order to fulfill their academic and professional dreams, thus making Genius English Proficiency Academy the best school. At Genius English Academy, we offer personalized teaching by friendly native and Filipino teachers in an enviro...
Though the majority of our students are Filipino professionals who speak intermediate to advanced English, our school is truly international. Our international students prefer to study at our school because their classmates are Filipinos who already speak good to great English. As a result, before cl...
is to produce students with top quality English communication skills in order to fulfill their academic and professional dreams, thus making Genius English Proficiency Academy the best school. At Genius English Academy, we offer personalized teaching by friendly native and Filipino teachers in an enviro...
Cognizant of the necessity to address these particular needs of both the teachers and the students, the researcher prompted to conduct this research to find out the level of English language proficiency of teachers under the induction program and its relation to students academic performance.Marissa ...
OF COURSES FUN & EXCITING SOCIAL ACTIVITIES GREAT LOCATION PERSONALIZED SERVICE OUR MISSION is to produce students with top quality English communication skills in order to fulfill their academic and professional dreams, thus making Genius English Proficiency Academy the best ESL school in the Philippines...
Genius English Proficiency Academy is a language school in the Philippines for three years of providing good quality education to students and has a growing rate of enrollees. We offer English courses which will improve, boost and develop your English language skills. Thus, most of our students ...
Using intelligibility cloze tests, the findings of the study revealed that mesolectal speaker of Philippine English is more intelligible than the acrolectal speaker and that Philippine English has higher intelligibility to young international students with high English proficiency level. In addition, ...
Genius English Proficiency Academy in partnership with renowned institutions will provide the experience and knowledge that students will need towards fulfilling their dreams. Moreover, our range of courses gives students the opportunity to improve their English language skills in a fun and supportive ...
“Weekends are prime time!” exclaims Marjie Ann, a Filipino English teacher from Bacolod. “My company set the recommended working hours according to the peak hours of students going online, but we can essentially decide when to work and how many hours to work.” ...
"We have an edge because of our proficiency in the English language. Also we have perseverance in good work, and we are known around the world as people who have initiative," Pie said. Moreover, Pie said Filipinos are easier to understand when they speak the English language. "Unlike othe...