speech Català* 1 12 about prep əˈbaʊt sobre relating to a particular subject or person We learn about some interesting people in history lessons. 1 12 about adv əˈbaʊt uns used before a number or amount to mean Ive got about thirty pounds in the bank. approximately 1 ...
(and the parties have not specified another matching Base Currency in their Matched Questionnaires), then United Kingdom Pounds; (C) If each party has specified “JPY Base Currency” under “Base Currency Election” in its Matched Questionnaire (and the parties have not specified another matching...
The PIN pro- teins have a polar distribution in cell membranes, which causes a directed flux of auxin from one cell to another (Petrasek et al., 2006; Wisniewska et al., 2006; Mravec et al., 2008). Newly synthesized PIN proteins pass through the cell endomembrane sys- tem and are ...