The English or British pound is the currency used in the United Kingdom, which is comprised of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. If you are planning on traveling to the U.K. from the United States, you must know how to convert pounds to dollars so that you can keep track ...
China's wine company, Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine, has signed an agreement with Chile's Bethia group to buy three vineyards in the South American country for over 50 million U.S. dollars. Kong Linghui suspended as Chinese women's table tennis coach Former Olympic champion Kong Linghui has bee...
small enough for carrying in the pocket:a pocket calculator. small; smaller than usual:a pocket battleship. v.[~+object] to put into one's pocket:He pocketed his keys and headed for the car. to take as one's own, often dishonestly; ...
Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcheat1/tʃiːt/●●○S3verb1[intransitive, transitive]tobehavein adishonestway in order towinor to get anadvantage, especially in acompetition,game, orexaminationHe had cheated in the test by using a calculator.Don’t look at my cards –that’...
[~ + object* not: be + ~-ing] (of an action) to have as a consequence: Failing to pay your fine carries an additional penalty of fifty dollars. Business to keep on hand or in a store for sale:[~ + object]We don't carry that brand in this store. carry away, [~ + away + ...
Your school might help with the cost of the process, although most won't pay for things like notarizations or background checks. You'll likely need to invest at least a few hundred dollars/pounds, whichever entry route you take. Health You'll also need to consider vaccinations. Talk to ...
I would like five pounds, please. I need to They’re installing a new floor. make a lot of tomato sauce. 06 He’s installing a window. 29 How much do they cost? He’s checking the elevator. They cost two dollars a pound. They’re checking the car’s engine. That’s less ...
Your school might help with the cost of the process, although most won’t pay for things like notarizations or background checks. You’ll likely need to investat least a few hundred dollars/pounds, whichever entry route you take. Health ...