English Plus (2nd Edition) 出自牛津大学出版社,是美式英语,适用于中学。oxford english plus第二版 含Starter+1234含学生书+音频+教师书+练习册+测试卷等级别:Starter-Level 4 。 系列特色: 1) 改进了技能的教学大纲,配以更多的听说练习;2) 每单元配有小练习和游戏页面,增加了可选的音乐课程;3)语法小动画...
Breakthrough Plus 2nd Edition Level 4 Digital Teacher’s Edition with Teachers App9781380083807 Would you like to learn more? CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Course Information & Documents English Type American English Number of levels 5 CEFR Levels ...
Breakthrough Plus 新版内容选材丰富,搭配灵活,适用于在混合能力班级教学中培养学生自信流利地进行口语表达。课程通过系列任务鼓励学习者运用所学知识,挑战自我,以获得在实际生活中应用语言的能力。 Student's Book Breakthrough Plus 2nd edition Student’s Book is an updated and expanded edition of Breakthroug...
Specific workbook practice, plus one activity master per unit in the Teacher's Edition extends this exposure. Grammar structures are presented then recycled twice throughout the series - first in an informal review and second in a formal review - to enable students to revisit and expand upon ...
牛津中学英语教材English File(4th Edition) 第四版出自牛津大学出版社,是英式英语,适用于中学。 本系列初级著重发音训练、词汇、语法,可帮助学生打好英文基础;中级、中高级则著重会话、阅读、听力及写作练习,可使学生快速达到学习目的。 本系列含丰的教学资源,包括辅助教材以及完整的教学计划,可以让老师使用起来得心...
Kids Box American English Second edition is a seven-level course for young learners. Perfect preparation for Cambridge English Young Learners: Flyers. Well-loved by children and teachers the world over, Kids Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your students. Perfect for general ...
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The world's first consumer magazine in print dedicated to perfumes and fragrances' — ParfumPlus — this ultra-premium magazine comes in an extraordinary size that is almost 30% larger than the standard A4 magazines giving the reader a larger-than-life experience of the brands' visuals. A trea...
"The SpellForce III - Reforced Complete Edition offers over 60 hours spanned over 3 story campaigns. It consists of:SpellForce III ReforcedSpellForce III Reforced: Soul HarvestSpellForce III Reforced: Fallen GodIt is the year 518. The rebellion of the renegade mages, known as the Mage Wars,...