Learn Spanish Translation ConjugationSign inyouyou Add to list tú usted DictionaryUSAGE NOTE In Latin America, "ustedes" replaces the second person plural pronoun, "vosotros." you ( yu) pronoun 1. (subject; used to address one person) a. tú (informal) (singular) You are so tall, ...
in Spanish|in French|in Italian|English synonyms|English Usage|Conjugator|in context|images Inflectionsof 'pluralize' (v): (⇒ conjugate) pluralizes v 3rd person singular(US & UK) pluralizing v pres p(US & UK) pluralized v past(US & UK) ...
PLURAL porns los pornos Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Explore Regional Spanish with Premium Only SpanishDictionary.com covers the whole Spanish-speaking world!
2. (Peoples) the English (functioning as plural) the natives or inhabitants of England collectively 3. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (formerly) a size of printer's type approximately equal to 14 point 4. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) an old style of black-letter typeface 5. ...
plural+ -ism1810–20 plu′ral•ist,n., adj. plu′ral•is′tic,adj. plu′ral•is′ti•cal•ly,adv. 'pluralistic' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): dvaita WordReference.com WORD OF THE DAY ...
•The trees drop their leaves in the fall, and new leaves grow again in the spring. •The trees have not yet come into leaf. ¿Cuál es la forma plural de leaf? La forma plural de leaf es leaves. Leaf es una de las palabras en la cual la f final se vuelve una ve. leave...
•The trees drop their leaves in the fall, and new leaves grow again in the spring. •The trees have not yet come into leaf. ¿Cuál es la forma plural de leaf? La forma plural de leaf es leaves. Leaf es una de las palabras en la cual la f final se vuelve una ve.leave...
Another common pattern we might see is the transfer of singular and plural cues. Some words that are singular in Spanish are plural in English, and vice versa. For instance, the word "muebles" is plural in Spanish, while its counterpart "furniture" is singular in English. On the other ...
How to form plural nouns Plural rule #1: -s and -es suffixes Plural rule #2: -y and -ie suffixes Plural rule #3: -o endings Plural rule #4: -f and -fe endings Plural rule #5: some ‘-s’ and ‘-z’ endings Irregular plural nouns in English Singular and plural nouns that are...
d. las mejores (feminine) (plural) This country has the best beaches in the world.Este país tiene las mejores playas del mundo. 2. (used as a noun) a. lo mejor (masculine) Good luck! I wish you the best.¡Buena suerte! Te deseo lo mejor. b. la mejor (feminine) Thanks for ...