Similarly, we can express shock in strong disagreement phrases like: I’m surprised that you would say that. I’m sure you’re (just) saying that to shock me. I can’t believe you are really saying that. You can’t say that! It doesn’t seem possible that you could really think th...
5. jeegaré man-ee Similar to 'I want to eat your liver,' one of the most loving terms of endearment you can direct to someone is to tell them you that they are your liver. While this may not sound romantic in English, it has quite an effect in the Persian language. Tell someone ...
English Makes No Sense was created to help myself and others enjoy the English language. I love English. I love to play with words, grammar and phrases. Learning English as a Second Language takes patience, hard work, bravery and a sense of humor. Why a sense of humor? Great question!
Ok, now someone has just told you something, and you understood the words, but you don’t get what they were thinking or why they said what they said. You could say, “That doesn’t make sense to me.” For example, I’m dreading this test. That doesn’t make sense! You’ve stud...
Teacher explains the words or phrases that may cause trouble for students to understand the examples. (eg. shameless & shameful; burn up & burn down;fill in & fill out; out; wind up) 4. Teacher asks students to find out the structure of the passage. 5’ Reading for 1. Teacher ...
2. Always use a comma after introductory phrases or prepositional phrases. It sounds like it makes no sense, but in fact, it is extremely simple. The prepositional phrase is a word combination, the main element of which ...
1. The Classic Catchphrases You know them, you love them: the proverbs that are practically embedded in our cultural DNA. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." This one reminds us to appreciate what we have, rather than chasing after uncertain possibilities. Sometimes, t...
When you know people really well, you often haveprivate jokes that make no sense to anyone else. (It may not even sound funny to anyone else!) This is called an inside joke. If you feel left out because youdon’t understand why everyone is laughing, someone may explain and say, “Sor...
Despite the fact that Shakespeare's plays were written over 400 years ago, you can still hear and use many of his idioms expressions and phrases today.尽管莎士比亚的戏剧创作于400多年前,但今天你仍然可以听到和使用他的作品中的许多习语、表达和短语。In fact, many of these expressions you may ...
英语词汇学_Unit_12_English_Idioms EnglishLexicologyUnit12 EnglishIdioms Whatisanidiom?• • Idiomsconsistofsetphrasesandshortsentences,whicharepeculiartothelanguageinquestionandloadedwiththenativeculturesandideas.Therefore,idiomsarecolourful,forcibleandthought-provoking.Strictlyspeaking,idiomsareexpressionsthatare...