Conflict between English conservatism and Enlightenment rationalism has been well advertised ever since Edmund Burke published his Reflections on the Revolution in France . For Burke, the revolution was at least in part an authentic product of the rationalistic speculations of Enlightenment philosophers. ...
The Enlightenment The driving force behind the Enlightenment was a comparatively small group of writers and thinkers from across Europe and North America who became known as the 'philosophes,' which is French for 'philosophers.' A concise definition of the Enlightenment is difficult to make, but...
Voltaire's, Rousseau's, and contemporary English philosophers', including Edmund Burke. Yet no one asked the question, How could an unschooled stay-maker from England's impoverished class produce such stunning prose? From time to time Paine's lack of education was pointed out by his enem...
One primary function of reflexive pronouns is to indicate that the subject and the object of the verb are the same entity. This self-reflection adds depth and precision to language, allowing for nuanced expressions. For instance, in the sentence “I taught myself to play the guitar,” the r...
His theories concerning the separation of Church and State, religious freedom, and liberty, not only influenced European thinkers such as the French Enlightenment writer, Voltaire but shaped the thinking of America's founders, from Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Jefferson. QUICK FACTS Name: John Locke...
Enlightenment:aprogressiveintellectualmovementthroughoutWesternEuropeinthe18thcenturyFurtheranceoftheRenaissanceinthe15th,16thcenturiesGiantsofEnlightenment:Montesquieu,Voltaire,Rousseau IdeologicalbackgroundAgeofEnlightenment(启蒙运动)CharacteristicsStruggleofthenewlyrisingbourgeoisieagainsttheclassinequality,prejudices—...
In the case of Daoism, Balfour identified with the view of the British Chinese scholar Thomas Watters that Daoist thought is characterised by a naturalistic philosophy: “Taoists would be ‘Naturalistic’ philosophers; for the essence of Taoism is an exaltation of, and a constant conformity to, ...
The Quest for Meaning: Exploring the Essence of Life's Purpose Introduction The question of the meaning of life has intrigued philosophers, thinkers, and individuals throughout history. It is a timeless inquiry that has spurred debates, contemplation, and profound introspection. While the answer to...
) The system of occasional causes; -- a name given to certain theories of the Cartesian school of philosophers, as to the intervention of the First Cause, by which they account for the apparent reciprocal action of the soul and the body. Occasionality (n.) Quality or state of being ...