She rejected the Aristotelianism and mechanical philosophy of the seventeenth century, preferring a vitalist model instead. She was the first woman to attend a meeting at the Royal Society of London, in 1667, and she criticized and engaged with members and philosophers Thomas Hobbes, René ...
in Qufu, Shandong Province, is one of China's leading philosophers. He espoused a code of ethics for the nation's rulers and encouraged filial piety. China Breakthroughs: COMAC soars with C919 jumbo jets orders - 600 COMAC is designing and building "Made in China" commercial airliners to ...
LOCKE, JOHN(1632-1704). Some idea of the man and his surroundings is more needed for the interpretation of what Locke has written than in the case of most philosophers. His youth was spent amidst the war of principles of which England was the scene in the middle of the 17th century. In...
In fact, many of us in fact had little epiphanies regarding different characters that we shared with the group. Sweet Jane Bennet was thought just far too saccharine by one member, but she read some analyses that likened the angelic Jane to the sentimental 18th century heroines. Philosophers Da...
•TheAestheticMovementisalate19th centurydevelopmentwhicharguedthat artisnotsupposedtobeutilitarianor usefulinanypracticalsense. •Aestheticismfoundtheoreticalsupportin theaestheticsofImmanuelKantand otherphilosopherswhoseparatedthe senseofbeautyfrompracticalinterests. ...
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In the case of Daoism, Balfour identified with the view of the British Chinese scholar Thomas Watters that Daoist thought is characterised by a naturalistic philosophy: “Taoists would be ‘Naturalistic’ philosophers; for the essence of Taoism is an exaltation of, and a constant conformity to, ...
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