6. Body:Here you have to explain the matter of your letter. Body of letter must be divided into 3 paragraphs as follows: → First Paragraph: Introduce yourself and the purpose of writing the letter in brief. → Second Paragraph: It should include ...
2013 English Writing The Paragraph 2 PartFourTheParagraph Topics,MainIdeas,andTopicSentences 1.WhatisaParagraph?Lookatthephotographonthispage.Whatdothinkishappening?Createastoryorscenarioinyourmind.Thenwriteasentencedescribingwhatyouthinkishappening.Thesentenceyouhavewrittenstatesthemainidea—ormainpoint—the...
Englishwriting DevelopingaParagraph Theparagraphisaseriesofsentencesdeveloping onetopic.TheTopicSentence Thetopicofaparagraphisstatedinonesentence.Thisiscalledthetopicsentence.DevelopingaParagraph Sentencesdevelopingorexplainingdevelopingexplainingthemainidea Throughthecenturiesratshavemanagedtosurvivealloureffortstodestroy...
When was the last time someone urged you to put your dreams on hold in favour of your work? Now that you have this theory to support your response, the next time someone says such, inform them about the power of dreams. Having said that, you must work hard in addition to dreaming in...
四How to Write a Good Introductory Paragraph Opening line: Attracts readers' attention. Background: Gives several sentences of information about the topic. Thesis: States the main idea of the essay. 五How to Write a Good Conclusion Concluding sentence: Fresh rephrasing of thesis statement. ...
Paragraph on Honesty Paragraph on Air Pollution Paragraph on Internet Paragraph on Internet Paragraph on My Best Friend Paragraph on Nature Paragraph on India Paragraph on Books Paragraph on Natural Resources Paragraph on Technology Paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting Paragraph on Love Paragraph on unemploy...
Also people need to study the grammar by talking with other people. Write more and more paragraphs by using different tenses and ask teacher for help to fix the grammar errors. Last but no least, when the writer should have a logical organization of your ideas. A good paragraph writing form...
1、大学英语写作课专题讲解English Writing CourseBasic Paragraph Structure Simplified byMike OwensParagraphs also have 3 parts The Topic Sentence Supporting Sentences The Concluding Sentence (which should also act as a transition to the next Paragraph, if applicable.The Topic Sentence The Topic Sentence ...
How to Write a Great Topic Sentence Easy Words to Use as Sentence Starters to Write Better Essays How to Write an Exploratory Essay With Sample Topics How to Write an Interview Essay or Paper How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics:Literature,Linguisticspar‧a‧graph/ˈpærəɡrɑːf$-ɡræf/●●●S2AWLnoun[countable]part of a piece of writing which starts on a new line andcontainsat least onesentencethe opening paragraphs of the novel—paragraphverb...