The Social Cancer: A Complete English Version of Noli Me TangereJose Rizal
noli me tangere “noli me tangere”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. (基督教)复活后的耶稣和玛利亚相会图 2. 禁止接触(或干涉)的警告;禁止接触的人(或物) 相关词语 nolimetangere
noli me tangere英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供noli me tangere的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
non ti preoccupare, faccio da me don't worry, I'll do it (all by) myself noli me tangere <pl noli me tangere> [ˈnolimeˈtandʒere] N f BOT noli me tangere touch-me-not Your search term in other parts of the dictionary mi ripugna it disgusts or repels me mi prese...
Religion[uncountable* Resurrection]the rising of the dead on Judgment Day. [countable]a rising again, as from decay or disuse; revival. See-rect-. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2025 res•ur•rec•tion(rez′ə rek′shən),USA pronunciationn. ...
Hence it is that the children of bishops carry about with them an austere and repulsive air, indicative of claims not generally acknowledged, a sort of noli me tangere manner, nervously apprehensive of too familiar approach, and shrinking with the sensitiveness of a gouty man from all contact ...
She has soft warm flesh, like warm mud. Nearer the reptile, the Saurian age.Noli me tangere. We can't go back. We can't go back to the savages: not a stride. We can be in sympathy with them. We can take a great curve in their direction, onwards. But we cannot turn the curren...
Show summary of all matches noleggio<-ggi>[no·ˈled·dʒo]Nm 1. noleggio: noleggio(affitto) rental noleggio(dinavi,aerei) charter 2. noleggio: noleggio(prezzo) rentalcharge noleggio(dinavi,aerei) charterfee 3. noleggio(impresa): ...
Noli me tangere: the enigma of touch in Middle English religious literature and art for and about womenA ccording to Aristotle, touch "is the primary sensation that belongs to all animals," a basic principle reiterated by Thomas Aquinas when he writes, "Touch is the basis of sensitivity as...
doi:10.1484/m.tmt.1.101434J. VuilleMedieval Translator