To convert numbers to Gujarati words, select theTranslate Number to Gujarati Wordbutton, enter the number in the search box above and click 'SEARCH'. Do not use separators, such as commas. The maximum number allowed is 999999999 (nearly one billion). This feature of our dictionary helps you...
Per Request Limit: You can translate up to a maximum of 500 words per request. However, there is no limit to the number of requests you can make. Daily Limit: While you can submit multiple requests for translation, you will not be able to translate once we reach our daily quota. Thes...
Its very easy and simple to type in Gujarati using English toGujarati Typing. Just type the text in English in the given box and press space, it will convert the text in Gujarati script. Click on a word to see more options. To switch between Gujrati and English use ctrl + g. Now co...
* Japanese To English Translator And English To Japanese Translation is the world's number one provider of free and professional translation services for text. * a selection of the best free translators, dictionaries and language courses on the phone. easy to use. * speak and translate is an ...
Gujarati alphabets consists 12 vowels and 36 consonants. 1. Vowels in Punjabi 3 vowels of Punjabi script are following. ੳ,ਅ,ੲ 2. Consonants in Gujarati A. Primary :Gurumukhi alphabet consist 32 primary letters (consonants) are following. ...
such as commas. For example, if you key in 555 and click SEARCH, this will be translated to ஐநூற்று ஐம்பத்து ஐந்து. The maximum number allowed is 999999999 (nearly one billion). This feature of our dictionary helps you to learn Tamil...
Step 6: Now, open any app like Whatsapp or messages etc to type in Hindi and click on setting icon and after that Languages options in below image. Step 7: Now in Languages options, click on "Add Keyboard" button. After that Kannada (India) as shown in below image. ...
English to Assamese English to Bengali English to Cebuano English to Chinese English to Czech English to Danish English to Dutch English to Finnish English to French English to German English to Greek English to Gujarati English to Hebrew English to Hindi English to Hungarian English to Indonesian ...
There are a number of features that make our translator the best for your projects. Accurate, fast, and efficient translationsWe utilize machine translation to ensure fluent, structurally accurate translation outputs. Whether you're translating from English to Odia or from Odia to English, your resu...
How to Translate Punjabi to English ? 1. Type or Paste Punjabi sentence in given box. 2. Click on "Translate in English" button and you will get English translation of your Punjabi text in another box. 3. Your Punjabi sentence should be Grammarly correct. ...