News in Levels is an application to improve your English naturally and fast with our articles. In our short news, we use words which are used in English often.…
不想迟到的鸽子王创作的外语有声书作品English news in levels,目前已更新8个声音,收听最新音频章节Expensive chicken level 2。一篇新闻,三个分级。
News in Levels is an application to improve your English naturally and fast with our articles. In our short news, we use words which are used in English often.…
News in Levels World news for students of English in 3 levels Videos in Levels Interesting English videos in six levels of difficulty Robinson Crusoe A famous book about a lost man by Daniel Defoe Speak in Levels People who want to speak with you via Skype ...
LEARN 3000 WORDS with NEWS IN LEVELS News in Levels is designed to teach you 3000 words in English. Please follow the instructions below.How to improve your English with News in Levels: Test Do the test at Test Languages. Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. ...
We write news in three different levels of English. We want to help you understand English more. Now all students can enjoy reading and listening to news.
Link: 8. Talk English 这是一个学习英语的好网站,有很多免费的听力练习和伴随练习,以及一般英语,商务英语,面试英语和旅游英语的课程。 Link: 9. TED 从设计到心理学,你可以在这里找到数以百计的专家的精彩演讲。虽然严格来说它不是一个学习英语的...
Short pieces of news in different levels of difficulty, from basic to advanced, so you can understand everything. We also provide the TV fragment of the news on video and key vocabulary explanations.Go to News in LevelsWe write news for students of English. We help students to learn and ...
1. 文本按照CERF分为7个级别,比News inLevels更细致 首先,文章按照难度分为两档——Easier(简单)和Harder(较难)。 其次,按照欧洲语言参考标准(以下简称CEFR) ,网站将文本分为Level 0-6共7个级别。 Level 0/1/2/3这四个级别属于Easier,Levels 4/5/6 这三个级别属于Harder。每级文章的文本长度、音频长度和...
World News List includes newspapers, news channels, magazines, news sites. You can reach latest English news with WorldNewsList website. Coronavirus update.