Photo: Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons People|Poetry The Best English Poets of All Time Ranker Books Updated October 26, 2024 224.6K views 67 items Ranked By 24.2K votes 8.6K voters 7 reranks Voting Rules Vote up the greatest poets from England of all time. Who is the best English ...
wikidata Show algorithmically generated translations Automatic translations of "开放内容" into English error Try again Glosbe Translate error Try again Google Translate Add example Translations of "开放内容" into English in sentences, translation memory 然而它的许多内容,包括全球和区域安排,长期以来...
WikiMatrix 而另 一個 卻 想方 設法 少付 撫養費 that's all I'm saying. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 公民权利和政治权利,包括 依良心拒服兵役的问题 CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE QUESTION OF CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION TO MILITARY SERVICE MultiUn LOAD MORE The...
WikiMatrix 重申“南罗得西亚种族主义少数政权的继续存在,以及其对赞比亚和其他邻国不断进行的侵略行为”构成对世界和平与安全的威胁; Reaffirmed that “the existence of the minority racist regime in Southern Rhodesia and the continuance of its acts of aggression against Zambia and other neighbouring States...
wikidata Show algorithmically generated translations Automatic translations of "真因子和數列" into English error Try again Glosbe Translate error Try again Google Translate Add example Translations of "真因子和數列" into English in sentences, translation memory 各委员会一起分别在 # 年 # 月 ...
AMERICAN ENGLISH This article is from: All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License: ...
The English Premiership, also currently known as the Aviva Premiership because of the league's sponsorship by Aviva, is a professional league competition for rugby union football clubs in the top division of the English rugby system. There are twelve clubs in the Premiership. The competition ...
WikiMatrix PICs can achieve this increased understanding of their resources, through encouraging researching States to continue to conduct research activities within their EEZs, actively participate in these activities, and ensure that they develop and maintain robust oceanographic databases 太平洋岛屿国家...
WikiMatrix But, as the LDP retained the most seats in the upper house, it soon forged a coalition with its long-time rivals, the Social Democrats, forcing Ozawa back into opposition. 然而,自民党随后在上议院获得了多数席位,并和长期的对手社民党结成执政联盟,迫使小泽一郎所在党派成为在野党。
wiki Show algorithmically generated translations Automatic translations of "四个现代化" into English error Try again Glosbe Translate error Try again Google Translate Add example Translations of "四个现代化" into English in sentences, translation memory 无论如何,根据缔约国的说法,融合补贴最高可...