Modal verb Use Numbers Sentence Can Ability – You can go to UK Could Advice – You could go to UK Shall Fact or promise – You shall go to UK Should Obligation 100% You should go to UK Will Promise 100% You will go to UK
Modal Verbs Showing Condition Another Way to Use Modal Verbs Why Modal Verbs Are Important Examples of Modal Verbs possibilityabilitypermissionobligationcondition "can"Icanattend the meeting. It is possible.Icanattend the meeting. John will take me.Icanattend the meeting. I have permission. ...
84 -- 11:11 App 英文语法: English Modal Verbs 2 - Will; Shall; Would 25 -- 18:06 App 英文语法: Active Verbs #3 Verb Types 858 -- 2:01:01 App 英文讲座: 霍克斯與《紅樓夢》 | 闵福德文化与翻译系列7 154 -- 24:10 App 英文写作: Parallel Structure as an Important Writing Skill ...
As a modal verb, “should” has many important uses in the English language.It’s used to give advice, to express what’s right, and to recommend an action. Also, it’s used to make predictions, but ones that are more uncertain than those with the other modal verbs. Its negative form...
There are 10 modal verbs in the English language: Can Could May Might Will Would Must Shall Should Ought to Uses of Modal Verbs: 1.To indicate that something is probable or possible, or not so. For example: It is sunny today; it must be warm outside. = It is sunny today; it is ...
Examples of Use The following sentences are examples of usage of modal verbs in English. For example, the following four sentences all ask for permission but with different degrees and types of modality: Can I go to the bathroom? (asking for permission) ...
Modal Verbs Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that are used to express abilities, possibilities, permissions, and obligations. Modal verb examples: Can Must May Should Would The modal verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification. He can shoot a three-point ...
YTB尚雯婕学英语法素材1,需要文本私聊。1、陌生材料听写,可以逐句进行2、对照哪些地方没听出来,搞懂材料包含的词汇、语法3、反复背诵,直至语速和原材料一样, 视频播放量 17、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 EnglishTalking, 作者
Examples of modal verbs include can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would. Phrasal verbs are made up of a verb and one or more particles, such as prepositions or adverbs. These verbs have a unique meaning that is different from the meaning of the individual words. ...
English exercise "Modal verbs" created bywith. [] Pleaselog into save your progress. 1. I'm sure he is at home = Hebe at home. 2. There is a slight chance that she is absent. = Shebe absent. 3. It's impossible, he is not cheating. ...