Given the fact that on Monday, if when he takes his Paper 2 Mock, for Y11, in preparation for his GCSE exams in June, if he does something like this in the mock and then improves on it in the real thing, as I am sure he will with my help, then he should do very well indeed...
My English Literature GCSE gives you quiz questions, flashcards, and texts for your 9-1 GCSE revision. Including the most popular texts and poetry clusters, and…
CAIE IGCSE英国文学Literature in English通过对文学作品的学习,训练学生阅读、理解和分析文本的能力,课程内容包含诗歌、散文、戏剧; 在GCSE阶段的两年内,英语文学课程范围是要求研究广泛的文本和体裁,培养学生分析语言和形成连贯书面论点的能力。培养学生能欣赏丰富的文学史; ...
A-Level English Literature(英国文学)是关于什么的? A-Level English Literature(英国文学)学习的是伟大的文学作品是怎样寻求生命的基本主题:爱、孤独、偏见、勇敢、坚持等等。 A-Level英国文学课程包括了从古代至现代,从莎士比亚、奥斯卡王尔德至安德烈亚利维约翰贝杰曼等作家的散文、诗歌和戏剧文本。你必须学习课文部分取...
A-level English Literature(AS) A-level 英文文学(AS) 01 课程介绍 A-level English Literature(英国文学)学习的是伟大的文学作品是如何探索生命的基本主题:爱、孤独、偏见、勇敢、坚持等等。 A-level英国文学课程覆盖了从古代到现代,从莎士比亚、奥斯卡•王尔德到安德烈亚•利维约翰•贝杰曼等作家的散文、诗歌和...
Share through pinterest Jamesyboy76's Shop English Language and Literature A Level and GCSE lessons and resources, as well as some KS3. Not the right resource?See other similar resourcesNot quite what you were looking for?Search by keyword to find the right resource: SearchJobs ...
Higher ENGLISH What you need to do to pass. In May, you will sit two exam papers as your final exams Critical Essay paper – 1 hour 30 mins (40% of your. Y10 Introduction to GCSE At the end of Y11 you will get 2 GCSEs: English Language English Literature. ...
爱德思国际GCSE(9-1)英语文学学生手册:印刷和电子书包 Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) English Literature Student Book: pri 分享服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(52) 质量很好(47) 物流很快(17) 坚固耐用(9) 包装很好(8) 很划算(7)...
docx, 25.93 KB An Inspector Calls GCSE English Literature Revision Pack Revision Pack Includes: Key Knowledge document including notes on the plot, characters and key quotes Question and Answer Flashcard Questions for populating your own Quick Quiz Revision Cards ...