English Language; 2. Literature in English; 3. Language and Literature in English. The language section is divided into two parts: passages for comment and composition, with directed writing tasks and exemplar... (展开全部) 丛书信息 ··· CIE AS Level and A level(共15册),这套丛书还有...
学习过并且喜欢GCSE英语语言与文学的同学肯定非常适合继续到A-level阶段学习这一科目,建议成绩B或以上。 不过英语语言与文学的A-level考核难度与GCSE是有一些不同的,难度也提升了很多。 当前任何的A-level英国文学课程是不包括创意写作和非小说文本的,对某些学生来说只能选择这一科来弥补。对于那些不喜欢英语语言学的...
说明Literature和Literature & Language现在用同一张试卷。分值调整:标准A的分值从10分缩小到5分,比重减...
《English Language and Literature AS Level》作者:Cambridge University Press ,出版社:2003年10月,ISBN:136.00。CambridgeInternationalASLevelEnglishLanguageandLit
首先A-Level English Literature这门课程是对散文,小说,诗歌和戏剧进行批判性研究的学科,考生需要通过文本材料来解释作者的意思,以及解读字面之外的含义。学习A-Level English Literature,学生将学习基本涵盖多种流派和文学时期的小说,如莎士比亚的《四大悲剧》,简奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》,或者是以威廉·布莱克为背景的工业...
Cambridge International AS Level English Language and Literature prepares students for the following Cambridge Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level international syllabuses: 1. English Language; 2. Literature in English; 3. Language and Literature in English. The language section is divided into two parts: ...
读A-level? 选科目? 分数不理想 - 01 - 老实讲如果你考了低分,那大部分好大学的大门很难给你敞开着…… 😢 根据情况,你可选择re-mark 或者 重考。尤其是那些core subjects. 关于分数,小编科普下,2017年, 数学、English language, and English literature开始实施9-1评分系统。2018年,加入其他包括engineering...
Our online resources delivered via Kerboodle, provide additional support to those students studying A Level English Language and Literature.ArchibaldAndyEmeryDavidDictionaries & Reference
SECTION I: AS-LEVEL: LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS OF LITERARY AND LINGUISTIC STUDY 1. Language Production and Practical Writing 2. Poetic Study 3. The Language of Prose 4. The Study of Speech SECTION II: A2-LEVEL: DEVELOPING AND EXTENDING YOUR SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE 5. Comparative Literary Studies 6...
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