查看《Literary Terms》的指南 學生們也學習了 學習指南 MNGT 3810 - HW questions 43個詞語 hannahfm25預覽 Final Exam- Quotes 38個詞語 jrmcguinness預覽 Flower Essence Flashcards 10個詞語 mpovlitzki預覽 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 06 29個詞語 Avocado_3000預覽 Ch 9 Mastering A&P I questions Liz Lawrence 18...
English Literary Terms 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 Protagonist 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 The central character in a story, play, or novel. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 34 建立者 Cameron_nkhs 2個月前建立 Cameron 深入的文學指南 查看Literary Terms的免費摘要、人物分析、引言等更多內容。
A literary device in which an earlier event is inserted into a narrative. 倒叙,闪回镜头:一种文学或电影的表现手法,往往在一段按正常时间顺序记叙的叙事中插入一件以前发生过的事情 51. Foil (陪衬) A character who sets off another character by contrast. 陪衬:用来反衬其他人物的人物。 52. Foreshadowi...
Dictionary of literary terms english IV advanced placement (Cont.) G genreEmersonRomanticism
English II Literary Terms HarlanHigh School English II Literary Terms 2010 abstractlanguage language intangible(i.e. which mind:truth, God, education, vice, transportation, poetry, war, love.) adhominem argument appealing personalinterests, prejudices, emotionsrather than extendedmetaphor whichobjects,...
An inscription on a tombstone or in a short poem in memory of someone who has been dead. 墓志铭:刻于墓碑上用以怀念死者的碑铭. 43. Epithet (表述词语) A term used to characterize a person or thing。 表述词语:用来表示某人某物特性的一个表达。 44. Essay (散文) A short literary composition...
英美文学名词解释TermsinEnglishLiterature1.Allegory(寓言)Ataleinverseor proseinwhichcharacters,actions,orsettingsrepresentabstrac tideasormoralqualities.寓言,讽喻:一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点 、原则或支配力。2.Alliteration(头韵)Alliterationistherepetitionofth ...
Ⅲ.Literary Terms (文学术语)1.Anglo-Saxon Poetry (盎格鲁-撒克逊诗歌)Poems or, songs by the Anglo-Saxon minstrels who sang of the heroic deeds of old time to the chiefs and warriors in the feasting hall. The typical work of Anglo-Saxon is Beowulf.是由盎格鲁-撒克逊游吟诗人吟唱的古代英雄...
113. Symbolism (象征主义) A literary movement in the late19th century, characterized by the use of symbols to represent things. 象征主义:十九世纪的一种文学潮流,运用象征来体现事物。 114. Synecdoche (提喻法) A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole. 提喻法:一种以局部代表...
1. Historical Introduction Tribal-feudal society. The early inhabitants in the island were Britons, a tribe of Celts. From the Britons the island got its name of Britain, the land of Britons. In 449 Jutes came to Britain to settle there. Following the Jutes came Angles and saxons. ...