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but also on the end result or goal of that action, e.g.chīwán(lit. 'eat and finish') andná guòlai(lit. 'pick up and bring on over'). 'Finish' is the end result of eating, and 'ending up over here' is the final result of picking sth. up and...
A laboratory worker in full biohazard gear is patrolling rows of rainbow colored LED-lit shelves. The shelves stand about 2 meters and have six levels, each containing trays of lettuce saplings bathing underneath the light, and the room is illuminated in a psychedelic pink. Syngenta OKs ChemChi...
1. To put in place or position. 2. To determine the position of; locate. [Middle English posicioun, from Old French posicion, from Latin positiō, positiōn-, from positus, past participle of pōnere, to place; see apo- in Indo-European roots.] po·si′tion·al adj. po·si′tion·...
Even with that caveat, there are many books by authors of color that have entered the canon (if you feel you must adhere to a “canon”), and the College Board encourages racial and gender diversity in AP Lit booklists. I wonder whether Gina Korteum has zeroed in on the problem whensh...
#LitRevision A-Level Analysis Annotation Distance Learning Edexcel Edexcel iGCSE English Language ESL Essay Exemplars Flipped Learning iGCSE Key Quotes Key Themes KS3 KS4 KS5 Language Learning Environment Literature Poetry Poetry Annotation Resources Revision Shakespeare Support Teaching and Learning Tier 2...
LitLearn is a study resource, so you don't need to complete all lessons to see improvements. We recommend starting with the Learn Analysis module. Having strong analysis skills is the key to succeeding in all IB English assessment, including Paper 1, Individual Oral, Paper 2 & Higher Level...
she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn't stand it no longer I lit out. I got into my old rags and my sugar-...