App 【Topics | B1-B2】40集话题类口语听力,影子跟读雅思口语绝佳素材。轻松掌握中高级英语表达,跃进高阶语言学习。 8572 -- 5:15:03 App 【Topics | A1-A2】60集话题类口语听力,影子跟读雅思口语绝佳素材。扫盲基础口语和听力表达,稳扎稳打提升英语水平。
As a matter of fact, English “fluency” actually begins a couple of levels lower than C2! We know this thanks to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CEFR is an international guideline to measure language ability, using a scale from A1 (beginners) to C2 (...
ABA English 的英语课程分为6个级别,对应于欧洲语言共同参考框架(CEFR):A1,A2,B1,B2,B2-C1和C1。每当你完成一个等级,则可获得一张 ABA English 官方证书。为例如剑桥ESOL或美国英语托福考试做准备。
The six reference Englishlevels(A1, A2, B1,B2,C1,C2) are widely accepted as the global standard for grading an individual's language proficiency. C2Proficiency (CPE) is Cambridge's highest-levelEnglish language qualification – proof that you can speak English likeanative!
ABA English 的英语课程分为6个级别,对应于欧洲语言共同参考框架(CEFR):A1,A2,B1,B2,B2-C1和C1。每当你完成一个等级,则可获得一张 ABA English 官方证书。为例如剑桥ESOL或美国英语托福考试做准备。
很多英语表达听起来似乎都没什么问题,大家也经常挂在嘴边,但其实却是错的!快来跟小编一起学习吧! 我的英语不好≠My English is poor外国人的眼中,用poor来形容自己的水平,是一种极度自卑的体现,而如果你想表达你的英语并不是太好,正...
English test for A1 and A2 levels: 1. Aaron and Milan are friends and ___ of them go to the same school. They are classmates, too. 1) none 2) both 3) all 4)neither correct answer: 2 2. A: There are four radios in the attic. B: Yes, but ___ of them work. They are _...
为激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣,培养动手和创新能力,丰富学生的英语学习生活,让学生将英语学习和实际生活紧密结合,鼓励孩子用自己的独特视角、独特方式,设计制作自己感兴趣的数字,广州大学附属小学开展了一年级英语“数字创意画”设计比赛。 天马行空般的想象...
English Tests Online Free Multiple Choice Grammar and Vocabulary Tests English Level Tests A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Beginner - Advanced