3: are using high level language to make the examiner notice it Speed-up when you ... 1: are comfortable with the topic and what you are saying 2: are giving less important information use redundant language oh / well / actually などの言葉はネイティブスピーカ...
【恋恋J.TEST(A-D)文法語彙】ほす(晒干) sibylsai 2010-05-22 06:00 本文支持点词翻译 Powered by 沪江小D次の文の( )に1·2·3·4の中から最も適当な言葉を入れなさい。 1)せんたく物をベランダに( )。1 ながす 2 ほす 3 くずす 4 ならぶ 2)( )で荷物をしばる。1 ぼう 2 はこ...
沪江英语提供【恋恋J.TEST(A-D) 文法語彙】匙加減(斟酌处理)、'次の文の___に1·2·3·4の中から最も適当な言葉を入れなさい。 (1)奥さんといい、だんなさんと___、本当に誠実な人達だ。1.いい 2.いえ 3.いっても 4.いえば (2)彼のことはとんと___。1.覚えてい
3: are using high level language to make the examiner notice it Speed-up when you ... 1: are comfortable with the topic and what you are saying 2: are giving less important information use redundant language oh / well / actually などの言葉はネイティブスピーカ...
【恋恋J.TEST(A-D)文法語彙】わけ(陈述事实) sibylsai 2010-04-03 07:00本文支持点词翻译 Powered by 沪江小D次の文の( )に1·2·3·4の中から最も適当な言葉を入れなさい。 (1)早く( )人も、他の人が終わるまで教室に残っていてください。 1 終わる 2 終わった 3 終わらない 4 終...
3: are using high level language to make the examiner notice it Speed-up when you ... 1: are comfortable with the topic and what you are saying 2: are giving less important information use redundant language oh / well / actually などの言葉はネイティブスピーカ...
3: are using high level language to make the examiner notice it Speed-up when you ... 1: are comfortable with the topic and what you are saying 2: are giving less important information use redundant language oh / well / actually などの言葉はネイティブスピーカ...
3: are using high level language to make the examiner notice it Speed-up when you ... 1: are comfortable with the topic and what you are saying 2: are giving less important information use redundant language oh / well / actually などの言葉はネイティブスピーカー...
3: are using high level language to make the examiner notice it Speed-up when you ... 1: are comfortable with the topic and what you are saying 2: are giving less important information use redundant language oh / well / actually などの言葉はネイティブスピーカ...
3: are using high level language to make the examiner notice it Speed-up when you ... 1: are comfortable with the topic and what you are saying 2: are giving less important information use redundant language oh / well / actually などの言葉はネイティブスピーカー...