system of legal rules【法】 法律规则体系 sense of legal system【法】 法制观念 相似单词 systemn. 1.系统 2.制度;体制 3.[the system]既成秩序;现政府,统治集团 4.理论体系 5.方法 6.分类原则 7.条理;秩序 8.系统;身体;组织 9.宇宙;世界 ...
凯瑟琳·艾略特、弗朗西斯·奎因的《英国法律体系》(English Legal System),2004年第5版 加里·斯兰珀、大卫·凯利的《英…|基于18个网页 2. 英国法律制度 英语语言词典... ... 法律 law;statute;doom;legislation 英国法律制度 English legal system 英国王室法律顾问 queen's counsel ... zh...
English legal system. Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 English名— 英名 · 英文名 legal system名— 法制名 · 法制上名 legal形— 司法形 · 法律形 legal— 合法 · 法定...
English legal system 英 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈliːɡl ˈsɪstəm] 美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈliːɡl ˈsɪstəm]网络 英国法律体系; 英国司法体系; 英国法律制度 ...
Unit5EnglishLegalSystemPart1 I never saw a lawyer yet who would admit he was making money 没有律师愿意承认为钱打官司。 Lawyers are men who hire their words and anger 律师是花钱买罪受的职业。 Unit 5 English Legal System (Part 1) The English legal system is the common law system. The ...
English legal system英国法律制度 The Difference between Solicitor and Barrister 1. Introduction A solicitor is a lawyer who traditionally deals with any legal matter including conducting proceedings in court. In the United Kingdom, a few Australian states, Hong Kong, South Africa (where they are ...
English legal system: the Sources of English LawAlice G
There are two main courts in the civil system that deal with cases on first instance, the County Court and the High Court. a. The County Court generally presided over by Circuit Judges or District Judges Claims where the claimant does not expect to receive £50,000 or more in remedi...
English Legal System and ObligationsLawrence Emeka Modeme