From Longman Business Dictionaryˌstatute of limiˈtationsnoun(pluralstatutes of limitations)[countable]American Englisha law that gives the period of time within which action can be taken on a legal question or crimeUnder the current statute of limitations, he has up to three years to take ...
10. Infancy 未成年 11. Inoperative 无效力的 12. Loss 损失 13. Minors 未成年人 14. Objections 异议 15. Positive law 制定法 16. Responsibility given 责任 17. Strength 影响力 18. Testator 立遗嘱人 19. The statute of of ...
Another area of tort law where there is too much liability, in my opinion, is vicarious liability for employers. I am not challenging the belief that employers should be liable for their employers, to an extent, however I do believe greater limitations need to be put in place as employer l...
Astatueis “a representation in the round of a person, animal, etc., which is sculptured, molded, or cast in marble, metal, plaster, or a similar material. Ex. One of the most famous statues in the world is theDavidof Michelangelo. Generally speaking, astatuteis a law. Ex. The perpe...
Governing Law; InvalidityThis Agreement shall be governed by Wisconsin law, excluding the laws on conflicts of laws. To the extent that the applicable laws of the State of Wisconsin, or any of the provisions herein, conflict with the applicable provisions of the 1940 Act, the latter shall co...
Law Lawa law passed by a legislature:[countable]to pass a statute against double taxation.[uncountable]By statute, this behavior cannot be prosecuted. Law[countable]a document stating such a law. See-stat-. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2025 ...
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against humanity in national law concerns the application of a “statute of limitations” (or “period of prescription”), meaning a rule that forbids prosecution of an alleged offender for a crime that was committed more than a specified number of years prior to the initiation of the ...
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