english.taiwanmobile.com 近年來,聚陽陸續獲得: 2012年臺北市政府勞工局《幸福企業獎》三星級企業、2011年遠 見 雜誌《 CS R企 業 社 會 責 任獎》健康職場組《首獎》、臺北市《健康卓越獎》、國健局《健康促進標章》等各界的肯定。 makalot.com.tw In recent years, Makalot has received several awards...
Prior studies have accorded SMs a great deal of attention, but little research has been conducted on the representations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans people in Chinese English-language news media. This article uses corpus linguistic tools to examine popular views on SMs in a larger ...
To conclude, we want to say again that we are very glad to have chosen to learn Mandarin. This language is the symbol of an age-old civilisation that can teach us a lot. Chinese people are always grateful to meet « laowai » 老外 (foreigners) who speak Mandarin and can chat with ...
as well as curriculum in newspaper reading, business Chinese, and Classical Chinese literature. Additionally, CLC offers courses on Taiwanese language and culture, which allows students to understand the many rich aspects of native Taiwanese customs, such as martial arts, religions, architecture, and ...
Wenwei po or Wenhui bao, HongKongnewspaper 大公报Trad.大公報 Dà Gōng Bào Dagong Bao, popular newspaper name Ta Kung Pao, founded 1902 in Beijing, now published in HongKong ShowStrokes 葵涌 Kuí yǒng Kwai Chung (area in HongKong) Kwai Cheong ...
Yes and no. Learning any language is difficult, but Chinese shares the reputation especially of difficult to learn because of its tones and character. chinesetimeschool.com chinesetimeschool.com [...] 《初擬儒學深層結構說》一文裏的一段說話(我引述):“儒家的重要特徵 ...
In addition to the military threat, the daily Chinese newspaper Global Times suggested that Beijing should punish Taiwan by forcing its allies to break diplomatically. 除了军事威胁,中国大陆《环球时报》还建议北京在外交层面惩戒台湾,迫使其盟国与其断交。 gv2019 The app gained popularity and became ...
This Chinese-English dictionary is still under construction. Textual search, a nicer web design etc. will be amended in the near future.What's working perfectly already is our Chinese learning software. Download free demo now!Word list: (Please use the search function of your browser (CTRL-F...
The English language has a lot of words that sound alike or look alike. Words like assent and accent look and sounds the familiar. But they have very different means. If you use the wrong word in a sentence, you will confuse you later. Therefore, when you learn to distinguish between ...
For instance, the gei in geisha doesn’t derive directly from modern Mandarin yì, but from an earlier stage of the language, closer to Middle Chinese ngiäi (Karlgren’s reconstruction). Note that Japanese words may be constructed from Chinese morphemes rather than borrowed as a unit, much...