The achievement of curriculum goals and objectives, to a large extent, depends on how assessment methods are designed, implemented, monitored, and evaluated. English language learning in Bangladesh has miserably failed, and ineffective assessment methods
The purpose of this study was to investigate high school students' current perception of English language learning in relation to the new language teaching approach adopted recently. An attempt has been made to examine how high school students perceive the nature of language, the functions of an ...
Phrases similar to "business report" with translations into Chinese eXtensible Business Reporting Language 可扩展业务报告语言 The allegation stems from a report by the Small Business Administration ( SBA).-这个结论是基于小企业联合会的报告 allegation-(无证据的)说法,指控 Add example Translations ...
Sample translated sentence: He was also its shipping agent, using his computer firm as cover for the movement of centrifuge parts to various clients ↔ 他还负责运送货物,以他的电脑公司为掩护将离心器部件运送给各类买主。 computer firm +