Here are 2,272 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars A generative speech model for daily dialogue. pythonchatagenttext-to-speechtorchttsenglishchinesegptnatural-language-inferenceenglish-languagechinese-languagetorchaudiollmchatgptllm-agentchattts ...
English Language: Start your journey to master the English language with the topics that have been covered in this article.
This chapter introduces theoretical perspectives on L2 development, touching on topics such as cross-language transfer, and the development of basic vs. academic language proficiency. Research concerning LD subtypes in ELLs (i.e. “poor decoders” and “poor comprehenders”) is also discussed. ...
Functional Language For IELTS Speaking Classroom Activities For IELTS Reading What Your Students Need To Know About BULATS Writing Part One Category: Topics EFL Lessons on Parks EFL Lessons on Gardens and Gardening Drawing and Crafts Activities for Prepositions of Position Teaching Ideas On The Topic...
Answer:How about "Is English a Crazy Language?" I generally suggest that you start with a question that could have at least two answers. If there is not a different opinion on the subject, then it really isn't a good essay question. I do think that "crazy" is a bit of a vague te...
Journal of Language, Identity and Education,andTeacher Development.He was the Faculty’s Outstanding Young Researcher (2015) at the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, a co-recipient of TESOL Award for an Outstanding Paper on NNEST issues (2012-2013), and has been named as ...
2 Technologies and Resources for English While there has been an increasing interest in developing data and tools for multi- lingual language processing in the last 20 years, as witnessed by the topics of long- standing shared tasks such as CONLL, nevertheless English continues to be over- ...
Below we have listed down the topics which students found difficult while attempting the ICSE 2020 English Language Question Paper. 1) Essay writing: To compose a creative composition in 300-350 words was beyond the powers of many candidates. Consequently, the weaker candidates resorted to either...
Authors are encouraged to submit articles and research/discussion notes on topics relevant to the teaching and learning of discourse for specific communities: academic, … View full aims & scope Article publishing options Open Access Article Publishing Charge (APC): USD 3590 (excluding taxes). The ...
TopicsLanguage Education,Lifelong Learning/Adult Education,Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary Publish with us Back to top Access this book Subscribe and save €32.70 /Month Get 10 units per month Download Article/Chapter or eBook ...