Jonathan Peel SGS 2013 Q5 Q5 • Always related to the themes of the Anthology passage used in Q 4. • Part of your revision might be to try to identify themes…• Mark Scheme clearly expects a relationship to AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE • Ensure you note the format descriptors in the ...
U.S. links North Korea to counterfeiting scheme in indictment of English, Irish citizens
EDEXCELEDEXCEL CERTIFICATECERTIFICATE ((igcseigcse)ENGLISHLANGUAGE)ENGLISHLANGUAGE PAPER1PAPER1 Thoughtsonapproachingthepaper JonathanPeelSGS2013 MAY2012sampleMAY2012sample materialmaterial •Theexamis2hours15minuteslong •Youareadvisedtospend45minutesoneachof thethreesections–youmustwatchyourtime! •Youshould...