Alexander Pope was a poet and satirist of the English Augustan period, best known for his poems An Essay on Criticism (1711), The Rape of the Lock (1712–14), The Dunciad (1728), and An Essay on Man (1733–34). He is one of the most epigrammatic of all E
There are two other writing skills that can help make an effective essay. First is obvious, but worth repeating: Focus on the thesis. With the new scoring system that gives a point for the thesis along with some of the training materials and videos posted on AP Central, it seems that mor...
in those days, the Inks were based upon pigments extracted from flowers, leaves, stems etc., They used Sharp tools as an instrument of writing and Leaves and other materials as Papers. Thereafter, as a substitute they used feather of the birds viz.,...
“…As I stood on tiptoe peering through the window, I could see Cyril with his back to me, slumped at his desk in front of his students with their easels and drawing boards. His hair, what there was of it was long and unkempt. He wore a crumpled tweed jacket with leather elbow pat...
the school where I teach used to have a quiz team which I advised. Some years it was pretty good. One year we made it to the state quarterfinals. A week after I shared my lecture with one class, one of the stars on the quiz team told me she decided to stop doing it. From the...
We are going to stay with an Englishman who owns a mansion near Chalburn ‘We are going to stay with an Englishman who owns a mansion near Chalburn (N. Abdullah 1975, p. line 41 in appendix) However, Sebba (1998) offers one example of a Malay preposition switched on its own in an...
accessibility technology provided, such as Braille test papers and electronic documents, Dong read tens of thousands of pages in Chinese and English using screen reading software, conducted interviews with visually impaired people, and screened around 100 accessible movies to complete her 60,000-word ...