and are an established Labrador Retriever breeder in CA. Wespecialize in producing AKC White, Cream, Yellow, Red & Lab Puppies that are healthy, lovable, and very well-socialized. All of our Labrador Retriever Puppies are born and raised inside our home...
AKC Reg'd English Springer Spaniel and Cardigan Corgi breeders located in Stuart, Florida, USA; Cathy and Joe Baker Sunkissed Kennels.
We are absolutely thrilled!! Our Linda winning BEST OF BREED at Potomac! The largest Labrador Specialty in the world! Such a honor!! Thank you to all who voted for Linda ! As always we are very proud of Ellen. A special thank you to all the breeders who voted for her!
There are Artesian Bores in Queensland that are so high in fluoride that the farmers buy in stock to fatten and sell as it is not possible to run breeders. Why? Because by the time the sheep/cattle are 4 years old their bones are brittle (skeletal fluorosis) due to excessive fluoride ...
[57] PETA has criticised some of the practices of chicken breeders, such as beak trimming and overcrowding, but KFC says its suppliers meets UK legal requirements. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs recommends a maximum stocking density of 34 kg—around 30 chickens—per ...