Government(cap.) a title used in referring to a king; Majesty (prec. byHisorYour). Middle Englishkingscip.Seeking,-ship1275–1325 Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: kingship/ˈkɪŋʃɪp/n the position or authority of a king ...
Sidney directly opposed the divine right of kings political theory by suggesting ideas such as limited government, voluntary consent of the people and the right of citizens to alter or abolish a corrupt government. Discourses Concerning Government has been called "the textbook of the American ...
Part Two: The Renaissance In England,16th century是一个打破封建关系和建立资本主义基础的时期。《Enclosure of Commons》让许多农民离开农村进入城市,Thomas Moore说是sheep devoured men。16世纪初,absolute monarchy形成,King Henry VIIIbroke off with Pope,proclaimed himself of head of the church of England。
Kings and queens names are used before the ordinal number when spoken English Ex: Henry V – Henry the Fifth Ex: Elisabeth I- Elisabeth the First To indicate a century and the floor of a building. Ex: Who is the best scientist of the 20th century? Ex: I live on the fourth floor. ...
From the sea-sprayed cliffs of Land’s End, beyond the tumbling granite of which, tradition says, once stretched the lost kingdom of Lyonesse, and on through the timeless villages of the eerily beautiful Cornish countryside - where the spirit of Arthur, that most legendary of British Kings,...
He 【4】 (urgent) wanted to return home, so when the Greek kings had their regular【5】 (week) meeting, he suggested that they take an opportunity【6】 (trick) the Trojans.The Greeks built a giant wooden horse so that men could hide inside it. The Greeks then pretended to leave ...
But the insight gained from mystic communication with spirits of wise kings has also helped boost the profits of his five companies. Mysticism and profits have come together since the 13th century introduction of Islam to Indonesia by Indian Moslem merchants. Those devout traders, called ‘Wali ...
44、ndcommunicationandtravelwereimproved.Feudalism,asocialsystembasedonloyalty,developed.Kingsneededwarriorstofightforthem;thewarriors(vassals)neededland.Thevassalsworetofightfortheking,andthekingpledgedtoprotecthisvassal.Thefeudalagreementwasmadeinachurchceremonywiththevassalpayinghomagetohisking.Theoa 45、thoffe...
where Adams was from and what had prompted him to travel so far. Adams showed Ieyasu England on a map and told him that his country desired friendship through trade with all the kings of Asia. Ieyasu asked if England was at war. Yes, Adams replied, with Spain and Portugal, and at peac...
At the time of Israel’s conquest of Canaan, Japhia the king of Lachish joined four other kings in a military offensive against Gibeon, a city that had made peace with Joshua. 以色列人攻打迦南时,基遍人跟约书亚议和,拉吉王雅非亚就跟四王联手攻打基遍。( jw2019 (Exodus 32:1-6) Ten of...