This makes typing in Tagalog easy, as you don't need to remember the complex Tagalog keyboard layout. Please visit to use this tool. Tagalog Speech Translator: Tagalog speech translation services are provided by both Microsoft and Google. They use their ...
This Chinese-English dictionary is still under construction. Textual search, a nicer web design etc. will be amended in the near future.What's working perfectly already is our Chinese learning software. Download free demo now!Word list: (Please use the search function of your browser (CTRL-F...
Japanese, Japanese language Jargon: 1. jargon Joch: 1. yoke Jod: 1. iodine Johannisbeere: 1. currant | 2. currant, red currant Johannisbeerstrauch: 1. currant, currant bush Jongleur: 1. juggler Journal: 1. daily paper, journal, newspaper Journalist: 1. journalist | 2. journalist ...
► Japanese / 日本語 MiniTokyo3D - Tokyo Public Transport Map - Link in Bio Site Poipiku - User-Made Images Marshmallow - Send / Receive Positive Messages Annict - Anime Tracker Japanese Subtitles - Subtitles Japan Reference - Japanese Culture Forum fuseji - Hidden Character Search ...
jacket jam January Japan Japanese jar jaw jazz jeans jeep jet jewelry job jog join joke journalist journey joy judge judgement juice July jump June jungle junior just adj. just adv. justice K kangaroo keep (kept, kept) kettle key keyboard kick kid kill kilo kilogram kilometer kind kindergarten...
Street Collapse in Japanese City Core Sinkhole. The soil is not solid. The buildings are not very stable. First-Time Homebuyers may Get Help New mortgage rules started last October. It disadvantaged first-time buyers. It was not beneficial. 50,000. They are pondering (thinking about) the eli...
manga, n, (Japanese style comic) manga (m), mangas (pl). mango, n, mango (m), mangos (pl). mankind, n, mab den (m); denses (m). manly, adj, gourel. manner, n, maner (f), manerow (pl), maners (pl); fordh (f), fordhow (pl); for' (f, RLC), for'ow (pl, ...
Japanese angel ceremony translate archive upload obligation functionality preserve nut pregnancy temporary cruise virus bake contractor trading pan formal sufficient disk dragon pretty absolute encounter philosophy delay protocol pour brush male prince oven promi...
January June July jacket jam Japan Japanese jar jaw jealous jeans job jogging jog join joke journey joy joyful judge juggle juice jump jungle Jupiter just K kangaroo keen keep key keyboard kick kid kidnap kidnapper kill kilo kilometer kind king kiss kit kitchen kite knee kneel knife knives knock...